Results: 92

El control de la glucemia en la palma de la mano causa menos dolor con igual precisión

Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) has been playing an important role in diabetes management. However, there are still some barriers that make patients retreat from adopting SMBG. Among them, fear of pain caused by measurement is the greatest. Although fingertip capillary blood has been long used fo...

El sistema formador de quinina y su relación con los trastornos cardiovasculares

Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death worldwide. In Kuwait, death related to cardio vascular diseases may account for about 40%. Thus, it will be the greatest health care burden of the twenty-first century. Hypertension and diabetes are the two major risk factors in the development o...

Informe estadístico 2005: Atención primaria de la salud Año 2005

Publicación destinada a reflejar la actividad en atención primaria en el Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, que contiene datos indicadores, información de la población registrada y sus características, pautas de utilización de esa población en el primer nivel de atención, y caracterización d...

Sugieren coordinar la atención médica de pacientes con pie diabético

Background: Well-coordinated foot care can result in a 50% reduction in diabetes-related foot complications. We theorized that health care organizations with well defined functions, levels of communication and feedback would provide better foot care with fewer amputations. Materials, methods and results:...

Evaluation of red blood cell aggregation in diabetes by computerized image analysis

Medicina (B.Aires); 60 (5 Pt 1), 2000
Red blood cell (RBC) aggregation has been widely studied and its importance is well established in the rheology of microcirculation. RBC aggregation is a major factor responsible for the flow properties of blood. Increased RBC aggregation has been observed in several pathological states. Therefore, the m...

De qué es culpable el intercambiador Na+/H+ en cardiología?
[What is Na+/H+ exchanger guilty of in cardiology?]

Medicina (B.Aires); 60 (5 Pt 2), 2000

Agrandemiento parotídeo asintomático y bilateral y Diabetes Mellitus: Una experiencia en pacientes normopeso

Se estudiaron 1642 pacientes consecutivos, (1296 mujeres y 346 hombres) normo-peso y mayores de 20 años, de los 7551 que concurrieron desde el 1/1/70 al 1/1/78 al consultorio de endocrinología a los que se le palparon sus parótidas por un observador. Se excluyeron los que consultaron por molestias par...