Results: 2

Citoquinas inducidas por la inmunización experimental antitetánica. Efecto de la formulación vacunal
[Cytokines induced by experimental anti-tetanus immunization. Vaccine formulation effect]

Medicina (B.Aires); 62 (2), 2002
Several factors are involved in the selective activation of T helper 1 or T helper 2 cells, such as the type of antigen-presenting cells involved in the immune response and the different physical characteristics of antigens. The aim of this work was to evaluate if adding other antigens to tetanus toxoid ...

Coaglutinación en meningitis bacterianas. Valor diagnóstico y epidemiológico
Coagglutination in bacterial meningitis. Diagnostic and epidemiological value

Medicina (B.Aires); 40 (2), 1980