Results: 6

Estudio complementario de la patología biliar complicada y el manejo de la litiasis coledociana en dos tiempos

Rev. argent. cir; 113 (4), 2021
RESUMEN Antecedentes: la litiasis biliar tiene una prevalencia actual en Occidente del 10-20%. El 7-16% de los pacientes presentan también coledocolitiasis. El diagnóstico preoperatorio de coledocolitiasis es difícil de establecer. Objetivo: establecer nuestra experiencia en el estudio de la patolog...

Obstrucción mecánica secundaria a íleo biliar

Prensa méd. argent; 106 (5), 2020
Gallstone ileus is defined as a mechanical intestinal obstruction secondary to the presence of a gallstone. Less than 1% of cases of intestinal obstruction are derived from this etiology. The most frequent cause is the impaction of the stone in the ileum, after passing through a bilioenteric fistula. It ...

Litiasis coledociana: resultados de la colangiografa intraoperatoria en nuestro medio

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (3), 2019
The term choledocholithiasis refers to a condition when a gallstone or gallstones become lodged within any duct of the bile system. We can find pigment gallstones, cholesterol gallstones and mixed. During surgery to remove the gallbladder you may have a procedure called intraoperative cholangiogram to l...

Litiasis vesicular asintomática: ¿expectar o intervenir?. Revisión de literatura

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (3), 2019
Contexto: La litiasis vesicular asintomática es un cuadro clínico cuyo abordaje terapéutico resulta controversial. Objetivos: Definir qué pacientes con litiasis vesicular son asintomáticos, identificar riesgos y beneficios de la conducta expectante en pacientes asintomáticos, mencionar qué grupos ...

Tratamiento tranfistular de la litiasis residual coledociana: análisis sobre complicaciones y éxito terapéutico según técnicas

BACKGROUND: The retained bile duct stones with distant fistulous tract has been treated by the transfistular route as the first line of treatment since the publications of Dr Mazzariello. Several techniques have been developed and several studies have been published, but little has been assessed about th...