Results: 2

Manejo mini-invasivo de la litiasis coledociana

Prensa méd. argent; 104 (2), 2018
Choledocholithiasis is one of the more common benign disorders of the biliary tract with multiple features of presentation and several alternatives for its diagnosis and treatment. Our aim was to perform a based-evidence revision to propose a diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm. The raised values of gam...

Tratamiento tranfistular de la litiasis residual coledociana: análisis sobre complicaciones y éxito terapéutico según técnicas

BACKGROUND: The retained bile duct stones with distant fistulous tract has been treated by the transfistular route as the first line of treatment since the publications of Dr Mazzariello. Several techniques have been developed and several studies have been published, but little has been assessed about th...