El presente documento tiene como objetivo hacer una descripción de la segunda experiencia de rotación electiva de la Lic. en Ciencias de la Educación, Noelia Oshiro, la cual fue desarrollada en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. En él se incluye una fundamentación del área de interés, las actividades real...
The relevance of this research is based on the fact that delayed psychoverbal development is very common is very common in modern children. The problems caused by delayed psychoverbal development accompany many pathologies connected with the development of the nervous system. Therefore, the issues of pro...
This paper is devoted to the pressing issue of obtaining professional education by persons with disabilities and limited health capacities in the inclusive context, which is a factor in their successful socialization. Adaptation to studying at a higher education institution is a difficult task for many s...
The article deals with the organizational- methodological and content aspects of practice-oriented tasks aimed at the formation of professional competencies of future professionals who study the theory and practice of the inclusive education of children with disabilities. Practice-oriented tasks aimed at...
Problem and aim. Deviant behavior is not only an alarming phenomenon but also a multitude of social, pedagogic and psychological problems that threaten the society and that became particularly relevant for the young adolescents with intellectual disability. Therefore, the aim of the present article is to...