Results: 4

Frecuencia de enfermedad periodontal en pacientes adultos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y la Provincia de Buenos Aires

Introducción: la enfermedad periodontal (EP) es un factor de riesgo en la génesis y evolución de numerosas enfermedades crónicas sistémicas como la diabetes mellitus (DM). Ambas comparten una evolución compleja y constituyen una relación bidireccional. Objetivos: describir la frecuencia de EP en p...

Periotestometry and tissue hydration. How are these indicators related?

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (9 especial), 2019
The mobility of teeth in terms of periotestometry and hydration of periodontal tissues in terms of bioimpedance spectrometry were studied in healthy volunteers without dental and concomitant somatic diseases. It was found that teeth of these subjects have both low and pathological mobility. It was also r...

Immunological and Morphological substantiation of the use of dental stick with biopharmaceuticals in the complex therapy of inflammatory periodontal diseases

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (4), 2019
Aim of the study: clinical, immunological and morphological substantiation of the use of a dental stick with biopharmaceuticals in the complex therapy of inflammatory periodontal diseases. Research methods: leukocyte migration test, cytograms, the study of quantitative and qualitative content of spontane...