Results: 3

Angina de Ludwig complicada con shock séptico

Salud(i)ciencia (Impresa); 24 (1/2), 2020
Introduction: Ludwig’s angina is one of the soft tissue infections of the neck and tongue floor with the most admissions to intensive care units (ICU) due to its compromise of the airway and complications from septic shock. The incidence is higher in the adult population, and with the use of the latest...

Modern aspects of rosacea therapy

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (9 especial), 2019
This work is aimed at studying the problems of timely diagnostics and therapy of various forms of rosacea, identifying the factors that influence the compliance, prognosis, and quality of life of the patients, as well as the stages of combination therapy. The efficiency of rosacea therapy is determined b...

Evaluación de la adecuabilidad de sachets plásticos de soluciones parenterales de gran volumen que contienen metronidazol y ciprofloxacina en Argentina durante 2016-2017

Ciencia Reguladora; (3), 2018
Las soluciones parenterales de gran volumen (SPGV) son formulaciones líquidas de administración intravenosa, en las cuales la esterilidad y apirogenicidad son requisitos indispensables. De manera semejante, los envases que las contienen deben cumplir estrictas especificaciones de manera de asegurar la ...