Results: 3

Trasplante hepático en hemangioendotelioma epiteloide hepático con metástasis pulmonares: reporte de un caso

Arch. argent. pediatr; 120 (4), 2022
El hemangioendotelioma epiteloide hepático (HEHE) es un tumor vascular raro de menor malignidad que el hemangiosarcoma. En los poco frecuentes casos unilobulares, puede indicarse hepatectomía parcial con riesgo de recurrencia agresiva; en enfermedad hepática extensa, incluso con compromiso extrahepát...

Particularities of upper lobe lung resection in case of tumors with bronchial and arterial plasty

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (9 especial), 2019
In the case of lung cancer, surgery is the only method of therapy that gives the patient a chance to recover. However, even after radical surgery, up to 50 – 60 % of patients die in the subsequent five years from the disease progression. This study was aimed at identifying the technical particularities...