Results: 4

Depression in healthcare workers: influence of Fear of Death, Spirituality, and Religion

Subj. procesos cogn; 27 (1), 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased deaths worldwide, with Argentina registering an excess of mortality from all causes of 10.6%, which has generated a considerable workload in the health sector, with workers being the most affected. One of the major consequences to which they were exposed has been the d...

Realidades que la pandemia visibilizó: mi experiencia ante la crisis sanitaria

Se relata la experiencia de la autora como profesional de la salud en el Centro de Salud Mental Nº1 Dr. Hugo Rosarios, de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, desde que se declaró la pandemia por COVID-19. Se distingue un primer momento, donde el impacto de la crisis sanitaria obligó a los profesionales a armar...

Relación entre el burnout y la satisfacción laboral en profesionales de la salud

The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between the degree of job satisfaction and burnout in professionals of the Clinical Hospital Herminda Martín. The study was quantitative, descriptivecorrelational, cross-sectional and non-experimental. The sample of 166 officials was representative an...