Results: 3

Percepción social sobre roedores urbanos y riesgo sanitario en barrios del Gran La Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Social perception on urban rodents and sanitary risk in neighborhoods from Gran La Plata, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina

NTRODUCCIÓN: Los roedores sinantrópicos, representados por el ratón doméstico (Mus musculus), la rata parda (Rattus norvegicus) y la rata negra (Rattus rattus), representan un riesgo importante para la salud. En Sudamérica, la fragmentación socioeconómica se refleja en marcadas diferencias entre c...

Using agents that suppress bone remodeling to treat or prevent joint disease: quo vadis?

Actual. osteol; 12 (3), 2016
Treatment of osteoarthritis (OA) with antiremodeling agents has had a mixed record of results. It is likely that remodeling suppression is only effective when used in the early phases of OA, before significant progression. Animal and human studies largely bear this out. Treatment of young mice with a RAN...