El ser humano está signado por el conflicto, por los deseos contradictorios, por el intercambio nunca simple con los otros. Suponer que el otro debe ser una máquina que siga pautas implica desvitalizarlo, lo que es equivalente al aniquilamiento de lo humano. Las niñas y los niños no tienen que ser en...
En este escrito los autores puntualizan la diferencia entre los conceptos de síntoma y trastorno en la infancia. A los fines diagnósticos establecer esta diferenciación permite pensar estrategias de intervención adecuadas a las características metapsicológicas de estos modos de presentación de suf...
The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a multisystemic disorder. It is considered a neuromuscular disease but also involves cognitive (executive functions, social cognition, attention, memory and language), emotional or behavior changes in over 50% of the reported cases and to of frontotemporal diagn...
Child psychiatry is a young discipline with great potential. Comparing the current resources that we had a few decades ago the contrast is marked. Our discipline has had a great development. The current psychiatric thinking cannot be defined based on one main theory to which all psychiatrists adhere. The...
This article intends to approach a series of contrasting concepts regarding different relevant issues for the Child and Youth Mental Health. Diagnosis as a temporary and unstable assessment method. Early detection and treatment as opposed to the possibility of premature diagnoses. The possible or impossi...
This article explores the relationship between empathy and psychopathology. It deals with the concept of "understanding" in Jaspers General Psychopathology, 100 years after the publication of its first edition. The Jaspersian proposal has the person and his/her experience as its primary object of study...