Results: 3

Centro Público Provincial de Intervención en Crisis y Rehabilitación Psicosocial. Una senda hacia la Suicidología Comunitaria
[Provincial public center for crisis intervention and psycho-social rehabilitation. A path towards communitary suicidology].

This work on the systematic comprehensive approach towards the Prevention and Postvencion of Suicide started to develop back in mid 2011 in Río Gallegos, capital of Santa Cruz Province. The first step on this development was a Pilot Plan for the Training of Professionals and also field intervention. The...

Entre la clínica exagerada y la clínica exasperada. Puentes, diferencias y rupturas en Salud Mental Infantojuvenil
[Between the exaggerated and the exasperated clinic. Bridges, differences and rupture in child and youth mental care].

This article intends to approach a series of contrasting concepts regarding different relevant issues for the Child and Youth Mental Health. Diagnosis as a temporary and unstable assessment method. Early detection and treatment as opposed to the possibility of premature diagnoses. The possible or impossi...

El concepto de "comprensión" (Verstehen) en Karl Jaspers
[The concept of \"understanding\" (Verstehen) in Karl Jaspers].

This article explores the relationship between empathy and psychopathology. It deals with the concept of "understanding" in Jaspers’ General Psychopathology, 100 years after the publication of its first edition. The Jaspersian proposal has the person and his/her experience as its primary object of study...