Level of Betatrophin in PCOS patients

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (7), 2019
Publication year: 2019

PCOS is known now as an endocrine, metabolic, and chronic inflamatory disorder, with hyperandrogenemia, insulin resistance and obesity being the key factors that influence the expression and symptoms of the condition.


To assess the level of alpha fetoprotein in PCOS women.

Patients and method:

A case control study conducted at Al-Elwyia.

Teaching hospital when 200 women were enrolled in the study and divided into two groups:

case group (100) patients with PCOS and control healthy group (100). The patient with PCOS women was diagnosed according to Roterdam criteria.


A total of 200 respondents and divided into 2 groups. The mean age of them (27.7 ± 2.3) years, highly significant association (P <0,001) were found between the age group especially (21-30) years in PCOS patients moreover highly significant association were found between the obese patient in PCOS than that in normal group (P<0.001). Betatrophin levels were significantly highly increases in patients than that in control group (P<0.001).


the serum betatrophin level was significantly increased in patients with polycystic syndrome (AU)

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