Effects of Body Mass Index (BMI) on complete blood count parameters

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (5), 2019
Publication year: 2019


Anemia is considered by Worl Health Organization (WHO) as a global health problem. It can be affected by the body mass index of an individual since increasing weight can result in low-grade systemic inflammation and elevation of hepcidin which results in seguestratiion of iron inside a variety of cells including macrophages, hepatocytes and enteroytes and this would lead to the development of what is known as anemia of inflammation. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effects of BI on complete blood count parameters.

Patients and methods:

In this crosssectional, retrospective study: the data of 200 overweight and obese male patients aged (18-60 years) were collected.

They were grouped according to BMI into everweight and obese:

different CBC parameters were noted. Inter group comparison was applied regarding different blood parameters and the relations eith BMI were calculated.


The prevalence of anemia was 16%. An extremely significant difference was found in mean white blood cells count in relation to different BMI gropups (p=0.001). A positive linear correlation was found between BMI with RDW, WBS, and platelets.


There were effects of increasing BMI on WBC, RDW and platelets (AU)

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