Prevalance of papillary thyroid carcinoma among patients underwent thyroidectomy and its relative relation to medical Z-Ray exposure

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (3), 2019
Publication year: 2019


The papillary thyroid carcinoma is the most common cancer among well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Exposure to environmental radiation adn edical X-Ray can be considered as an iportant risk factor. The aim of the study to evaluate the prevalence of papillary thyroid carcinoma among patients underwent thyroidetomy and the possible relation to X-Ray exposure.

Patient and methods:

A prospective clinically randomized trial was conducted in the department of surgery in Diwaniyah Teaching Hospital during the period from February 2016 to October 2018 on 432 patients with goiter from those 62 patients proved to be papillary thyroid carcinoma.


out of 432 patients with goiter underwent thyroidectomy 62 patients proved to be papillary carcinoma, female was 49 (79 %), and male was 13 (21%) with solitary thyroid nodule predominant (61.3%) the radiation exposure is higgly significant in patients proved to be papillary thyrid carcinoma about (85.48%), the FNAC sensitivity was low about 37%. There were 14 patients re-explored either for remnant thyroid tissue in 11 or neck disection in 3 patients. Only there patients presented with occult papillary thyroid carcinoma.


Papillary thyroid carcinoma is the most common thyroid malignancy with salient increased incidence and female predominant in this region. X-ray exposure carries a significant risk factor for thyroid malignancy. However, further national clinical studies recommended confirming the results

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