Means of communication for visually impaired people. Fractalyphlotechnologies of data communication

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (9 especial), 2019
Publication year: 2019

This article describes technical means of data communication for blind and visually impaired people. Radically new method of haptic and fingerspelling data coding is proposed based on fractal self-similarity of binary code. It would be possible to develop numerous typhlo-appliances at reasonable and low price, thus simplifying teaching Braille system both in conventional, manual, and computer variants. Coding of typhlodata on the basis of fractal self-similarity is referred to as fractal Braille. On the basis of fractal self-similarity of binary code, the concept of haptic and fingerspelling alphabet has been developed which combines essentially different methods of data coding in a single morphological base.

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