Empalamiento precordial por arma blanca: extracción bajo visión videotorcoscópica

Prensa méd. argent; 105 (11), 2019
Publication year: 2019


It is widely established that the extraction of impaled objects should be carried out under direct vision. In the case of stable patients, endoscopic vision can be used as an alternative.

Clinical Case:

A 70-year-old male is admitted for a 5-hour impaled precordial stab wound. Evolution valued according to ATLS standards. Clinically and hemodynamically compensated patient.

On physical examination:

left pulmonary hypoventilation, subcutaneous emphysema, no jugular engorgement.

Control of vital signs:

TA: 110 / 70mmHg, FC: 70min, FR: 20min, Sat02: 97%.

Complementary studies:

ECO FAST: no pericardial fluid.

Rx thorax:

mild left pneumothorax heme.

Chest CT:

Puncture object of 18 cm in the left lung of AP and medial to the lateral path, hematoma of the angle, and hemopneumothorax grade I.


Patient in dorsal recumbency, under ARM with selective intubation. An incision in 5th left intercostal space, middle axillary line. 10mm trocar placement, 30 ° optics introduction. After discarding the commitment of the pericardium, active bleeding, and observing that the end of the weapon was going through the end of the angle, the weapon is removed under endoscopic vision. Clot washing/aspiration. Verification of hemostasis, absence of air leakage and pulmonary expansion. Drainage with 28 French tubes.


Derived from UTI extubated.

CT scan thorax 72 h post:

small intraparenchymal hematoma left, expanded lung. Minimum serohematic debit. Pleural tube and definitive discharge are removed on the 4th post-surgical day.


The literature suggests in the urgency, the removal of impaled objects under direct vision of the compromised structures. However, in stable patients, the previous study with CT should be unavoidable. Video-thoracoscopy in these wounded can avoid open surgery, but the procedure must be performed in trauma reference centers, with the appropriate means and by a trained surgical team willing to perform an emergency thoracotomy

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