Amiloidosis sistémica, a propósito de un caso de autopsia
SYstemic Amyloidosis. About an autopsy case

Prensa méd. argent; 104 (6), 2018
Publication year: 2018

During history, amylidosis was observed associated to a great variety of inflammatory diseases, and due to this, appeared the term "secondary amyloidosis". The forms of sudden presentation without any apparent cause are classified as "primary amyloidosis", and also the localized amyloidosis was characterized, the same as the heredity variant. At present, three main grops are recognized as systemic amyloidosis: amyloidosis of light chains, the amyloidosis associated to the seric protein A, and the hereditary form. Systemic amyloidosis can involve practically any organ system, being the most commonly affected the heart and the kidney, which therefore determine the clinical evolution and the prognosis of the patient. The aim of this report, was to present a case of autopsy of systemic amyloidosis with involvement of the Central Nervous System, considering besides, the great extension of the disease in our patient

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