Aneurisma gigante de Arteria Cerebral Media: Trapping y By-Pass
Giant Aneurysm of the Middle Cerebral Artery: Trapping and By-Pass

Rev. argent. neurocir; 34 (1), 2020
Publication year: 2020


Presentar la resolución quirúrgica de un aneurisma gigante de arteria cerebral media mediante técnica de Trapping y By-Pass.


La tasa de mortalidad a 5 años de pacientes con aneurismas gigantes es del 80%. Debido a su cuello ancho en ocasiones el clipado directo no es posible, requiriendo realizar Trapping del aneurisma seguido de revascularización mediante By-Pass.

Material y Método:

Se analizaron datos de historia clínica, imágenes complementarias pre y postquirúrgicas, así como imágenes de video intraoperatorias de un paciente portador de aneurisma gigante de arteria cerebral media intervenido en nuestro centro.


Mediante abordaje Pterional se localizó arteria temporal superficial y sus ramos. Luego de una cuidadosa disección del saco aneurismático se intentó el clipado primario, debido a su cuello ancho, aterosclerosis asociada y trombo intrasacular, el flujo en la rama temporal de arteria cerebral media era comprometido por el clip. Se decidió la oclusión del aneurisma mediante técnica de trapping y, en mismo tiempo quirúrgico, realización de By Pass extra-intracraneano de arteria temporal superficial a rama temporal de arteria cerebral media. A su vez se secciono el aneurisma y se removió el trombo contenido en su interior, logrando disminuir el efecto de masa ejercido por el mismo. Se corroboro permeabilidad intraquirurgica mediante Doppler y en el postoperatorio alejado mediante angiotomografía con reconstrucción 3D. El paciente evoluciono sin complicaciones asociadas con un Rankin modificado de 1.


Se presentó resolución quirúrgica de aneurisma gigante de arteria cerebral media mediante técnica de Trapping seguida de By-Pass extra-intra craneano temporo-silviano


To present the surgical resolution of a giant aneurysm of the middle cerebral artery using Trapping and By-Pass technique.


The 5-year mortality rate of patients with giant aneurysms is 80%. Due to its wide neck, sometimes-direct clipping is not possible, requiring trapping of the aneu-rysm followed by bypass revascularization.

Material and Method:

Clinical history data and intraoperative video images of a pa-tient with a giant aneurysm of the middle cerebral artery were analyzed.


The superficial temporal artery and its branches were identified through a Pterional approach. After careful aneurysm dissection, primary clipping was attempted, but the flow in the temporal branch of the middle cerebral artery was compromised. Due to its wide neck, associated atherosclerosis and intrasaccular thrombus, an Extra-intracranial bypass was performed from superficial temporal artery to temporal branch of middle cerebral artery, followed by trapping technique of the aneurysm. Then the aneu-rysm was sectioned and the thrombus contained inside was removed, decreasing the mass effect exerted by it. A Doppler probe was used to corroborate bypass permeability, as well as 3D reconstruction angiotomography during the postoperative period. The pa-tient was discharged without associated complications and a modified Rankin scale of 1.


Surgical resolution of a giant middle cerebral artery aneurysm was present-ed by Trapping technique followed by extra-intra-cranial temporo-Silvian bypass

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