Corte con argón plasma de prótesis autoexpansibles de nitinol: serie de 7 casos
Acta gastroenterol. latinoam; 44 (2), 2014
Publication year: 2014
The use of self-expandable enteral stents for palliation of malignant stenosis may present the complication of concealing the ampulla of Vater behind the metallic mesh. Anchoring in the duodenal wall (distal or partial migration) may also be a complication of biliary metallic stents and therefore may cause difficulty in gaining access to the biliary tract. In these cases of difficult access, a fenestration on the prosthesis ( biliary or enteral) can be created to allow reaching the obstructed biliary tract by means of argon plasma (AP). Were retrospectively analysed 7 cases. Under endoscopic vision, AP was directed to filgurate and cut 6 biliary prosthesis and a duodenal stent. Fulguration and cut of biliary stent was performed in 5 cases of distal partial migration and cholangitis. In one case of obstruction caused by distal migration inside the duodenal stent light, cutting of the biliary stent was performed. A window was created in the enteral prosthesis in order to access the ampulla of Vater and place a biliary tract prosthesis. All cases were resolved successfully and without complications. We conclude that the use of AP to fulgurate and cut nitinol prosthesis was effective and presented no complications in this series.