Estudio de la función visual en el trabajo con computadoras
[Visual function study in work with computer]

Medicina (B.Aires); 62 (2), 2002
Publication year: 2002

This investigation searched for the relationship between amount of nearwork, asthenopic symptoms and visual function, in a group of office workers engaged in telemarketing. Phoria, monocular accommodative facility with +/- 2 lens flippers and near point of convergence were measured in 100 office workers (mean age 21 +/- 2.6 years) whose uncorrected visual acuity was 20/30 or better. Daily hours of reading hard-copy and of computer use, and the level of asthenopic symptoms, were measured using a questionnaire. In this sample, telemarketers were involved 5.84 +/- 2.02 daily hours in computer use, and 2.87 +/- 2.13 daily hours in reading.

The following asthenopic symptoms were present twice or more times in a week:

headaches 16
, pain in the eyes 17
. An association was found between the amount of hours using computers and red eyes (chi 2 = 4.4, p = 0.0359) or blurred vision (chi 2 = 8.35, p = 0.0038). And also between deficit of convergence and headaches (chi 2 = 4.3313, p = 0.0374) or red eyes (chi 2 = 3.6416, p = 0.0564). No other associations could be found between the accommodative facility test results, the near point phoria, and the amount of nearwork or the asthenopic symptoms. In conclusion, computer use in telemarketing is associated with few asthenopic symptoms. Near point of convergence should be routinely measured, as it is associated with some asthenopic symptoms.

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