Riesgo de trastorno bipolar en estudiantes universitarios con sintomatología depresiva elevada
[Risk of bipolar disorder of universitary students with high depressive symptomatology].

Vertex rev. argent. psiquiatr; 25 (117), 2014
Publication year: 2014


This research aims to determine if there is a relation between high depressive symptoms and the risk of suffering from bipolar disorder in university students, as well as describing demographic variables and career preferences association with these variables.


A self-survey was carried out with 823 students who were asked to fill out the Beck Depression Inventory and the Bipolar Spectrum Disorder Scale.


of the population showed symptoms related to clinical depression while 1.9
presented either moderated or high bipolar disorder risk. The 22.4
of those who suffered from clinical depression showed high and moderated bipolar disorder risk. The 43.8
of those who showed high probability of suffering from bipolar disorder risk received psychopharmacological treatment and 87.5
of them were studying an artistic career.


The percentage of college students at high risk of bipolar disorder is similar to what have been found in the international literature. In people with high levels of depression symptomatology the risk increases being one in four of them at risk for bipolar disorder.

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