Morfea superficial
Superficial morphea

Dermatol. argent; 27 (1), 2021
Publication year: 2021

La morfea superficial es una variante rara de morfea que se distingue de la clásica tanto en la clínica como en la histopatología. Se caracteriza por máculas hipopigmentadas o hiperpigmentadas, con mínima o ninguna induración, sin síntomas asociados, contractura ni atrofia. En la histopatología, se observa un compromiso limitado a las fibras colágenas en la dermis reticular superficial. Se comunica el caso de una paciente con diagnóstico de morfea superficial tratada con fototerapia ultravioleta B y metotrexato.
Superficial morphea is a rare variant of morphea that is distinguished from the classic variant both clinically and histopathologically. It is characterized by hypo or hyperpigmented patches with minimal to no induration, without associated symptoms, without contracture or atrophy. At the histopathological level, a limited involvement of collagen fibers is observed at the level of the uperficial reticular dermis. The case of a patient with superficial morphea treated with ultraviolet B phototherapy and methotrexate is presented.

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