Relación entre Estado Nutricional e ingesta dietética con pérdida de dientes en pacientes con hipertensión en Padongko Health Centro de la regencia de Barru
Relationship between Nutritional Status and Dietary Intake with Tooth Loss on Hypertension Patients at Padongko Health Center of Barru Regency

Prensa méd. argent; 106 (7), 2020
Publication year: 2020


The biggest problems of oral and dental health in Indonesia are the ignorance on the dental and oral hygiene leading to tooth loss, so can highly affect the nutritional status and dietary intake. To discover the relationship between the tooth loss and the hypertension case at Padongko health center of Barru regency.


The research is analytic observation using cross-sectional method. The population of the research is the respondents suffering from the hypertension and tooth loss to determine their nutritional status and dietary intake. The population was the patients with primary hypertension, a purposive sampling technique was applied through path analysis test.


Based on the path analysis results, the relationship between nutritional status and hypertension revealed p value=0,562>α=0,05; dietary intake and hypertension showed p value=0,377>α=0,05; therefore, the Ha obtained indicated the existing relationship but not significant. The relationship between nutritional status and tooth loss obtained p value=0,065>α=0,05; dietary intake and tooth loss obtained p value=0,499, in which the Ha obtained had a relationship but not significant. Meanwhile, the relationship between hypertension and tooth loss was indicated by p value=0,001<α=0,05 showing a significant relationship.


There is a relationship between nutritional status and dietary intake with tooth loss on hypertension patients, but insignificantly shown

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