Homeopatía y la ley de los infinitesimales
Homeopathy and the Law of Infinitesimals

Prensa méd. argent; 106 (4), 2020
Publication year: 2020

This paper explains the second elementary law of homeopathy, the Law of the Infinitesimals, on the basis of a kinetic model. When a remedy occurs in the human cell of a healthy person and forms a reaction product (simillimum) that induces the finest medical symptoms of an ill person, then remedies entering the cell of the ill person will form identical simillimum molecules and re-establish the initial equilibrium of the healthy state and cure the ill person. However, this will also induce a molecular crowding in the cells of the ill person. For kinetic reasons this will aggravate the re-establishment of the initial equilibrium and consequently worsen or even interrupt the medical treatment. At a low remedy concentration, the molecular crowding becomes negligible while the formation of the simillimum and the re-establishment of the initial equilibrium will take place continuously and cure the person who is ill

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