El efecto del entrenamiento grupal en asertividad sexual sobre la asertividad sexual de las alumnas: Un estudio cuasi-experimental
The Effect of Group sexual assertiveness training on Sexual assertiveness of Female Students: A quasi-experimental study
Prensa méd. argent; 106 (2), 2020
Publication year: 2020
Sexual relation is a very important part of the marital relationship. Any problem in the marital relationship affects the family and society cohesion. This study aim to determine the effect of Group
sexual assertiveness training on Sexual assertiveness of Female Students. This quasi-experimental pre
and posttest study was conducted on 80 married female students of Sistan and Baluchestan University
(southeast of Iran), from 1 July 2018 to 30 March 2019.Students were selected and randomly allocated
in the two intervention and control groups. The intervention group received group sexual assertiveness
training in the 4 two-hourly sessions over a period of two weeks. The control group did not receive
any training. The data were collected before and 12 weeks after the intervention by Hurlbert’s sexual
assertiveness questionnaire, and then were analyzed. After the implementation of group sexual assertiveness training, the mean score of sexual assertiveness significantly increased in the intervention
group compared to the control group (p=0.01). It is recommended to add sexual assertive training to the
pre-marriage education, especially in cultures in which women have a low level of sexual assertiveness