Factores de riesgo prequirúrgicos para una colecistectomía laparoscópica difícil
Preoperative risk factors for difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Rev. argent. cir; 114 (1), 2022
Publication year: 2022

RESUMEN Antecedentes:

varios estudios observacionales han identificado factores de riesgo (FR) para una colecistectomía laparoscópica difícil (CLD).


identificar los FR preoperatorios para CLD en un hospital público de mediana complejidad.

Material y métodos:

estudio prospectivo de cohorte transversal. Se analizaron 80 pacientes mayores de 18 años sometidos a colecistectomía laparoscópica, entre enero y diciembre de 2019.

Se analizaron las variables:

edad, sexo, IMC (índice de masa corporal), litiasis vesicular, pancreatitis aguda, colecistitis aguda o crónica, síndrome de Mirizzi, CPRE dentro del mes, numero de cólicos en el último mes, si presentó al menos un cólico en la última semana, leucocitos, enzimas hepáticas mayores, bilirrubina total, hallazgos de ecografía prequirúrgicos, antecedentes de cirugías abdominales previas.


la incidencia de CLD fue de 47,5%. La tasa de conversión a cirugía convencional fue del 11,25%, el 100% fueron CLD. Los FR para CLD incluyeron sexo masculino (OR: 4,50, IC 95%:1,60-12,62, p: 0,004), cólico en la semana previa a la cirugía (OR:7,17, IC 95%:1,89-27,23, p: 0,004), paredes engrosadas de la vesícula (OR: 4.90, IC 95%:1,90-12,70, p: 0,001), edema perivesicular (OR: 7,14 IC 95%:1,45-35,13 p: 0,016), la vesícula hidrópica (OR: 4,94, IC 95%:1,44-16,88, p: 0,011) y las cirugías previas (OR: 4.38 IC 95%:1,27-15,10 p: 0,001). En el análisis multivariado vemos que los pacientes de sexo masculino y pacientes con cirugías previas presentaban un riesgo elevado para CLD (OR: 6,63 IC 95%:1,75-25,08 p: 0.005; OR: 11.70 IC 95%:1,48-92,37 p: 0,020).


se deben centrar los esfuerzos en identificar los pacientes con sospecha de CLD, pudiendo planificar la cirugía y un equipo quirúrgico experimentado.

ABSTRACT Background:

The risk factors (RF) for difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy (DLC) have been identified in many observational studies.


The aim of this study is to identify the preoperative RF for DLC in a secondary care public hospital.

Material and methods:

We conducted a prospective cross-sectional cohort study of patients > 18 years undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy between January and December 2019.

The following variables were analyzed:

age, sex, body mass index (BMI), cholelithiasis, acute pancreatitis, acute or chronic cholecystitis, Mirizzi syndrome, ERCP within the previous month, episodes of biliary colic in the last month, presence of at least one colic within one week before surgery, white blood cell count, liver enzymes, total bilirubin, preoperative ultrasound and history of upper abdomen surgery.


The rate of DLC was 47.5%. Conversion rate to conventional surgery was 11.25% and 100% were categorized as DLC. The RF for DLC included male sex (OR, 4.50; 95% CI,1.60-12.62; p = 0.004), colic within 1 week before surgery (OR, 7.17; 95% CI,1.89-27.23; p = 0.004), gallbladder wall thickening (OR, 4.90; 95% CI,1.90-12.70; p = 0.001), edema around the gallbladder (OR, 7.14; 95% CI, 1.45-35.13; p = 0.016), hidrops gallbladder (OR, 4.94; 95% CI,1.44-16.88; p = 0.011) and previous surgeries (OR, 4.38; 95% CI, 1.27-15.10; p = 0.001). On multivariate analysis, male sex and previous surgery were associated with higher risk of DLC (OR, 6.63; 95% CI,1.75-25.08; p = 0.005; and OR, 11.70, 95% CI,1.48-92.37; p = 0.020, respectively).


Efforts should focus on identifying patients with suspicion of DLC to plan surgery with an experienced surgical team.

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