Rev. am. med. respir; 21 (4), 2021
Publication year: 2021
Abstract In convalescence from the SARS-CoV-2 infection, a high number of patients require medical consultation due to persisting symptoms.
To describe the clinical characteristics of patients who attend the Department of Respiratory Medicine due to persisting respiratory or thoracic symptoms after COVID-19 epidemiological discharge, and to assess their etiology by applying a follow-up protocol. Materials and Methods:
we included patients previously diagnosed with COVID-19 through PCR or with a combination of symp toms and epidemiological criteria who attended the Department of Respiratory Medicine spontaneously or referred by another health professional. Clinical examination, chest X-ray, spirometry, laboratory analysis, and the EQ-5D quality of life and PHQ-9 depression questionnaires were performed. According to the findings, the evaluation was complemented with D-dimer, six-minute walk test (6MWT), computed tomography (CT) and cardiac evaluation, following a predetermined algorithm. Mental health consultation was offered to patients with a result ≥ 10 in the PHQ-9 questionnaire. Results:
95 patients were included: age 48 ± 11 years, BMI (Body Mass Index) = 28.4 ± 4.9 kg/m2, 57 (60%) women and 64 (67.5%) Argentinians. Among foreigners:
19 (20%) were Bolivian, 8 (8.5%) Peruvian and 4 (4%) Paraguayan. 91 patients had a PCR-confirmed diagnosis; and from the remaining patients, two had positive serology and two clinical and epidemiological criteria. The most frequent comorbidities were:
smoking (34%), arterial hypertension (21%), diabetes (16%), asthma (11%) and tuberculosis (5%); 38% did not refer any. 45 patients had been hospitalized, and 8 of them required treatment in the intensive care unit (ICU). The consultation time from epidemiological discharge was 46 ± 34 days (median = 38 days), and the most frequent symptoms were dyspnea (60%), cough (32%), chest pain (26%), low back pain (22%) and asthenia (10.5%); 50 patients required non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain management. Regarding the depression questionnaire:
79% presented PHQ-9 > 4 (mild depression) and 36% ≥ 10 (moderate and severe depression); in the latter group we found higher prevalence in women: 44 vs. 24%, p= 0.03. We didn't find a relationship between depression assessed with PHQ-9 and age, nationality or isolation location; 13 patients agreed to consult with the Department of Mental Health (PHQ-9 14.9 ± 4; EQ-5D 39 ± 10). In 6 patients, the spirometry showed values of forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) and/or forced vital capacity (FVC) < 80%; they had history of pneumoconiosis (n = 1), asthma (n = 1) and obesity (n = 1), two presented an abnormal chest X-ray and the other one had been treated in the intensive care unit (ICU). Additional studies were performed in 24 patients (six-minute walk test [6MWT]: 3, CT: 6, echocardiogram: 2, D-dimer: 21). Persistence of ground-glass densities was found in 5 of the 6 tomographies. None of the patients required an additional medical approach during follow-up. Conclusion:
In post-COVID-19 patients, the most frequent symptoms for consultation were dyspnea, cough and chest or lumbar pain, as well as the finding of depression assessed by a questionnaire. The results favor the holistic approach in the evaluation and follow-up of these cases.