Results: 45

Burden of nursing care: a concept analysis

Introduction: The burden of nursing care has not been defined as a theoretical or operational concept. However, several studies have demonstrated its impact on the quality of care, the increase in adverse events, and the health of nursing staff. Objective: To analyze the attributes, factors, antecedents,...

Assessing and Achieving Quality in Qualitative Research: Clues for Researchers in Training*

Invest. educ. enferm; 42 (1), 2024
This article deals with the particularities of the quality of qualitative research, under the double lens of valuing it and ensuring it. While achieving the quality of qualitative research concerns only those who have opted for this methodology, assessing it is everyone’s business bec...

Nursing Theories Visibility in the Disciplines Scientific Publications

Aquichan (En linea); 24 (1), 2024
La aplicación de las teorías de enfermería en el cuidado de las personas, en la formación del recurso humano y en la investigación requiere que los profesionales de esta área estén convencidos de su papel en el bienestar de los seres humanos, con quienes tienen compromisos de cuidado, con la socie...

Desarrollo y validación del contenido de un instrumento para la atención de mujeres embarazadas con anemia de células falciformes

Aquichan (En linea); 24 (1), 2024
Introdução: a escassez de debates sobre o cuidado de enfermagem às gestantes com doença falciforme no país e a urgente necessidade de intervenção e melhorias na assistência de enfermagem prestada às essas mulheres, motivaram este estudo. Além disso, em instrumentos para uso em pesquisa e/ou na ...

Use of Research in the Nursing Practice: from Statistical Significance to Clinical Significance

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (3), 2023
Objective. Within the context of evidence-based practice, this article exposes the reflection on the understanding and usefulness of the information provided by the research findings shared in reports and research publications, exposing differences based on the interpretation o...

Nursing Meta-Paradigm: Strategies for Its Use in the Practice. Advancing Knowledge Development

Aquichan; 23 (4), 2023
Previamente se ha discutido sobre el metaparadigma de enfermería y los conceptos que lo componen, este debate se ha centrado en los conceptos y no en las estrategias para su uso. En este editorial se propone ampliar el debate con relación al uso del metaparadigma para el profesional de enfermería y pa...

Cualificación de la atención y gestión prenatal en el contexto de la atención primaria de salud

Aquichan; 23 (4), 2023
Introduction: Collaboration between different health professionals is essential to ensure safe and quality prenatal care and favorable birth outcomes. Objective: To describe interprofessional prenatal care and management strategies in the context of primary health care. Materials and method: Qualitative ...

Multilevel Self-Management in Nursing Research: An Approach to Decrease Health Disparities in Chronic Diseases

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (2), 2023
Objective. To discuss multilevel self-management intervention research in nursing to decrease health disparities among people living with chronic diseases. Content synthesis. Multilevel interventions have become the core of nursing research in the last decade. However,...

Competencia en cuidado espiritual en enfermería: Revisión integrativa de literatura
Spiritual Care Competence in Nursing: Integrative Literature Review

Introducción: El cuidado espiritual puede considerarse un elemento central de la filosofía del cuidado holístico. Objetivo: Identificar investigaciones de intervención con perspectivas y estrategias educativas para el desarrollo de competencias en cuidado espiritual. Materiales y métodos: Revisión ...

Best Practices in Maternal and Child Health from the Perspective of Healthcare Professionals

Aquichan; 23 (1), 2023
Objective: To understand healthcare professionals’ perception of best practices in maternal and child health. Materials and methods: This qualitative exploratory-descriptive study was conducted between December 2020 and March 2021. The study corpus consisted of 23 healthcare professionals from southern...