Results: 121

Attitudes toward consumer involvement in mental health services: a cross-sectional survey of Indian medical and nursing undergraduates

Invest. educ. enferm; 34 (2), 2016
Objective.To understand the views of medical and nursing undergraduates regarding consumer involvement in mental health services. Methods. A descriptive cross sectional survey was conducted in Bangalore, South India, among medical (n=155) and nursing (n=116) undergraduates using self-reported the Mental ...

Stressful situations and factors in students of nursing in clinical practice

Invest. educ. enferm; 34 (1), 2016
Objective.To assess the risk factors for stress in undergraduate students of nursing in clinical practice in a public university in the Northeast region of Brazil. Methods. Cross-sectional descriptive study with 116 students from the fifth to the ninth period. The bilingual KEZKAK questionnaire, validate...

Lifestyles of nursing students from a Colombian public university

Invest. educ. enferm; 34 (1), 2016
Objective.To assess the lifestyles of nursing students from a Colombian public university. Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2014. 380 students answered by self-reporting the adapted version in Spanish of FANTASTIC Lifestyles Assessment Questionnaire of Wilson and Ciliska. Results. Lifest...

Validation of an instrument to measure tutor performance in promoting self-directed learning by using confirmatory factor analysis

Invest. educ. enferm; 34 (1), 2016
Objective.This work sought to validate and propose an instrument to measure the performance of tutors in promoting self-directed learning in students involved in processes of problem-based learning. Methods. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was applied to validate the instrument composed of 60 items an...

Efectividad en el aprendizaje de la punción venosa en estudiantes de enfermería utilizando dos estrategias didácticas: “Una experiencia investigativa en aula”

Investig. enferm; 18 (2), 2016
Introducción: La punción venosa es un procedimiento asistencial que requiere entrenamiento por repetición sustentado en estrategias didácticas para generar habilidad operativa e instrumental y habilidad de pensamiento de orden superior incluida la comparación, el contraste y la transferencia del con...

O processo de supervisão em ensino clínico. Perspectiva dos estudantes e enfermeiros

Investig. enferm; 18 (2), 2016
Introdução: O grande desafio que se coloca hoje à formação em enfermagem prende-se com o processo de (re) construção de saberes dos estudantes em ensino clínico onde a supervisão assume particular relevância. Objetivo: Conhecer a perceção dos enfermeiros tutores sobre a supervisão de estudan...

Opinión del jefe inmediato sobre el desempeño de los egresados de la Licenciatura en Enfermería

Investig. enferm; 18 (2), 2016
Objetivo: Identificar la opinión de los jefes inmediatos sobre el desempeño de los egresados de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza para retroalimentar el plan de estudios y establecer un plan de mejoramiento continuo sobre las fortalezas y debilidades. Método: Estudio descriptivo, transversal...

Knowledge and attitudes of undergraduate nursing students toward dementia: An Indian perspective

Invest. educ. enferm; 33 (3), 2015
Objective.This work evaluated nursing students' knowledge and attitudes toward individuals with Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Methodology. This was a transversal, descriptive study carried out with a randomly selected group of nursing students (N = 122) from Bangalore, India, in 2013. The study used ...

Assessment of an educational intervention based on constructivism in nursing students from a Mexican public university

Invest. educ. enferm; 33 (3), 2015
Objective.This work sought to evaluate the effect of an educational intervention centered on the analysis of clinical cases to inquire on conceptual learning in students on the theme of nursing care of women with complicated puerperium. Methodology. This was a quasi-experimental study with before and aft...

Education for the unified health system: what do good professors do from the perspective of students?

Invest. educ. enferm; 33 (3), 2015 analyze the educational practices for the Unified Health System performed by good professors, from the perspective of nursing, medical and odontology students, based on the Shulman's concepts of knowledge of educational ends, purposes, values ​​and their historical and philosophi...