Results: 235

Analysis of complications after Whipple's procedure using ERAS protocols

Rev. colomb. anestesiol; 47 (4), 2019
Abstract Background: The administration of perioperative fluids is a controversial issue that can be associated with the development of postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) after Whipple procedure. Objective: To evaluate whether intraoperative fluid management along with Enhanced Recovery after Surg...

Carcinógenos ambientales asociados a cáncer infantil

Univ. salud; 21 (3), 2019
Resumen Introducción: La Sociedad Americana de Cáncer indica que al año se diagnostican 163.300 casos de cáncer infantil en el mundo. En Colombia fueron reportadas 300 muertes por esta causa en menores de edad durante el año 2015. Actualmente, las principales asociaciones etiológicas de cáncer i...

Características clínicas y microbiológicas de pacientes con neutropenia febril en un hospital Universitario

Infectio; 23 (4), 2019
Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas, demográficas, frecuencia, tipo de aislamientos microbiológicos y resistencia a los antimicrobianos de pacientes con neoplasias hematológicas que presentaron como complicación neutropenia febril en el Hospital Universitario de San Ignacio Métodos:...

Eccrine cell tumor with natural evolution

Acta méd. colomb; 44 (3), 2019
Abstract Eccrine cell carcinoma constitutes a group of rare skin malignancies which are slow-growing but highly invasive. A case of multiple skin lesions with multifocal involvement, concluding with the histopathological documentation of this condition, is presented. (Acta Med Colomb 2019; 44. DOI:https:...

Intervention of Humanized Nursing Accompaniment and Quality of Life in People with Advanced Cancer

Aquichan; 19 (3), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the effect of an intervention of humanized nursing accompaniment, at home, on the quality of life of people with advanced cancer and of their family caregivers. Method: Pre-experimental study with pre- and post-intervention measurements. The intervention included home vis...

Quality of Life of Patients with Advanced Cancer in Palliative Therapy and in Palliative Care

Aquichan; 19 (3), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the quality of life of patients with advanced cancer in palliative therapy and in palliative care. Materials and Methods: Quantitative, observational, cross-sectional, and analytic study conducted in a teaching hospital in Paraná, Brazil, from January to June 2018, with...

Tumor fibroso solitario gigante de pleura en paciente joven

Resumen Introducción : el tumor fibroso solitario de pleura (TFSP) es una patología poco frecuente, corresponde a menos del 5 % de los tumores primarios de pleura, siendo aún más raros los tumores mayores de 15 cm y aquellos en pacientes menores de 35 años, ya que el pico de incidencia es entre los...

Avaliação clínica dos sintomas de pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço
Clinical evaluation of symptoms in patients with cancer of head and neck

Av. enferm; 37 (2), 2019
Resumo Objetivo: avaliar os sintomas mais frequentes apresentados pelos pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço e fatores associados. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo transversal realizado com 77 pacientes do serviço de cirurgia de cabeça e pescoço do Instituto Nacional de Câncer (Brasil). Fo...

Psychometric properties of the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 in a heterogeneous sample of adult cancer patients

Rev. latinoam. psicol; 51 (1), 2019
Abstract The Brief Symptom Inventory-18 (BSI-18) is a self-reporting screening instrument that is widely used to assess global psychological distress and three kinds of symptoms: anxiety, depression, and somatization. The present study tests the factor structure of the BSI-18 using confirmatory factor an...

Tumor adenomatoide de tubas uterinas, reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura

Rev. med. Risaralda; 25 (1), 2019
Resumen Los tumores adenomatoides del tracto genital son neoplasias poco frecuentes, de comportamiento benigno; debido a sus características histológicas se confunden fácilmente con tumores de estirpe vascular. Estudios recientes demuestran que los tumores adenomatoides del tracto genital femenino est...