RESUMENLa combinación de la Aciduria etilmalónica y la homocistinuria son desórdenes del metabolismo heredados con un amplio espectro de manifestaciones clínicas que se pueden presentar desde la infancia hasta los adultos mayores. Sin embargo, con la detección temprana de estas enfermedades, en el p...
La Amiloidosis Sistémica (AS) es un grupo heterogéneo de enfermedades caracterizadas por el depósito de proteínas fibrilares en los tejidos. Se presentan tres casos con compromiso cutáneo. Se revisan las amiloidosis sistémicas y se enfatiza en las características clínicas, especialmente las manif...
Existe un grupo de desórdenes hereditarios de la cornificación, caracterizado por una excesiva acumulación de escamas en la piel, que varía desde leve y asintomático hasta amenazar la vida. El término ictiosis es derivado de la raíz griega “icti” que significa pescado. La Hiperqueratosis Epide...
Objective. To evaluate the stress level in women who have had mastectomy and analyze the relationship between stress and sociodemographic, clinical, and social support variables. Methodology. Descriptive study carried out at Hospital de Santa Rita de Cássia, Vitória/Espírito Santo (Brazil) among 84 ma...
Objective. Herein, we seek to know the necessities of humanized care of patients subjected to chemotherapy. Methodology. The study was carried out with patients, of both sexes, diagnosed with different types of cancer who received chemotherapy treatment in an oncology unit of the city of Medellín, Colom...
Objective. This study sought to characterize the scientific production of the journal Investigación y Educación en Enfermería (IEE) during its 30 years of editing. Methodology. Documentary type longitudinal study, which analyzed all the articles published in IEE from 1983 to 2012; a total of 656. Each...
Objective. To describe experiences of mothers caring for their preterm offspring on the first day after being discharged from the hospital. Methodology. This was an interpretative phenomenological study with 10 mothers. Results. Release of the infant from the hospital was interpreted by the mothers as an...
Objective. Describing the motivations and disincentives that influence adherence to exclusive breastfeeding until children's six months of life in the town of Eldorado do Sul (Brazil). Methodology. A descriptive qualitative exploratory study. Between October and December/2009 it were interviewed 25 mothe...
Objective. To estimate the prevalence and explore the relationship of the risk of eating behavior disorders (REDB) with some factors in school-age adolescents from Cartagena, Colombia. Methodology. This was a cross-sectional study, which used probability sampling by conglomerates of high school students ...