Objective. This work sought to identify the prevalence of overweight and obesity conditions and the associated factors in nursing students in a public university in Medellín, Colombia. Methodology. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted in 2015. The study selected 171 participants throug...
Objective. To characterize the elderly population and their caregivers and to verify the association of depressive symptoms of the elderly and the caregiver’s burden with the variables of interest. Methods. A cross-sectional study with 80 elderly people and 78 caregivers in a Primary Health Service in ...
Resumen Objetivo: Definir la prevalencia del infarto de origen criptogénico en pacientes con diagnóstico de infarto cerebral isquémico entre los años 2007 a 2014. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de tipo corte transversal. Se incluyeron todos los pacientes mayores de 18 años con ataque cerebrova...
Abstract Background: In Colombia, one out of five women between the ages of 15 and 19 years have been pregnant. Almost two-thirds (64%) of these pregnancies were unplanned. Objectives: To examine the socio-demographic, psychosocial and clinical risk factors associated with adolescent pregnancy. Meth...
Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades,
Conducta Sexual,
Delitos Sexuales,
Embarazo en Adolescencia,
Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales,
Factores de Riesgo,
Estudios Transversales,
Salud Mental,
Mujeres Embarazadas
Abstract Introduction: The vision of cannabis as a soft drug is due to the low risk perception that young and old people have of the drug. This perception is based on erroneous beliefs that people have about the drug. Objective: To compare the beliefs of cannabis use and consequences among adolescent...
Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains have emerged as important foodborne pathogens of global public health concern, causing life-threatening diseases. Sheep and their products have been documented as important reservoirs for STECs, especially E. coli O157. The aim of this study was to in...
Introducción: en la actualidad, coexisten dos modelos contrapuestos que han servido como marco para la evaluación y tratamiento de la discapacidad: el modelo rehabilitador y el social. Sin embargo, en 2001, la üms recurre a una tercera vía de interpretación a través de la síntesis de estos dos mod...
Objective. Compare the attitudes toward mental illness between medical and nursing undergraduate students from a university in India. Methods. A cross sectional descriptive study was carried out among medical (n=154) and nursing undergraduate students (n=168) using Attitude Scale for Mental Illness (ASMI...
Objetivo: revisar las patentes inscritas en la Oficina de Patentes y Marcas Registradas de Estados Unidos (United States Patent and Trade Mark Office) relacionadas con la alimentación de recién nacidos prematuros. Metodología: se realizó una búsqueda transversal y bibliométrica de carácter documen...
Introducción Describir y analizar la carga financiera del cuidado familiar del enfermo crónico en la Región Andina de Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio que hace parte del 'Programa para la disminución de la carga de la enfermedad crónica en Colombia'. Su muestra la constituyeron 92 familias q...