Results: 133

Morbilidad y mortalidad del cáncer infantil en un departamento del surde Colombia

Univ. salud; 25 (2), 2023
Introducción:El cáncer infantil tiene repercusiones en la calidad de vida a corto y largo plazo de los niños afectados. En Colombia representa la tercera causa de muerte entre 1 y 14 años de edad. Objetivo:Describir la morbimortalidad por cáncer infantil en el departamento del Huila durante el ...

Institutional Violence against Hospitalized Children: The Perception of Nursing Professionals

Aquichan; 23 (2), 2023
Objective: To understand the perception of the Nursing team about institutional violence against hospitalized children. Materials and method: A qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study, performed at a large-size public hospital in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, with 17 Nursing professionals working in th...

Contributions of the health sector to the construction of gender identity in children and adolescents with diverse gender identities

Introduction: Childhood and adolescence constitute the period of greatest exploration and consolidation of gender identity, as gender expression is linked to the physical, emotional, and cognitive development of the indivi-dual. It is common during this stage for signs of gender incongruence...

Tetralogia de Fallot em crianças e adolescentes do Nordeste brasileiro: um estudo descritivo

Av. enferm; 40 (3), 2022
Objetivo: caracterizar o perfil demográfico e clínico de crianças e adolescentes com tetralogia de Fallot e suas complicações clínicas. Materiais e método: estudo exploratório, de caráter descritivo, quantitativo, de corte transversal, com base na iniciativa Strengthening the Reporting of Obser...

The importance of applying the statement of assent to children and adolescents: a qualitative study

Invest. educ. enferm; 40 (2), 2022
Objective. To describe the importance of the Statement of Assent for children and adolescents invited to participate in a clinical study and their main reactions to its explanation. Methods. This is an exploratory descriptive qualitative study of 17 children and adolescents, who were invited to participa...

Emotional Conditions of Adults Orphaned in their Childhood due to the Colombian Armed Conflict

Investig. desar; 30 (1), 2022
RESUMEN Este estudio describe los cambios emocionales que viven las personas que durante su niñez quedaron huérfanas a causa del conflicto armado en Colombia. Se desarrolló una investigación de tipo cualitativa, en la que, por medio de cuatro entrevistas a profundidad, realizadas a las víctimas, se ...

Education for peace and coexistence without violence. A proposal at the basic level from Narrative Therapy

Investig. desar; 30 (1), 2022
RESUMEN Este artículo contribuye a las investigaciones y propuestas de intervención cualitativas para mejorar la convivencia y fomentar la paz a través de una metodología emergente que muestra la terapia narrativa. Se partió de un diagnóstico realizado en una escuela primaria de la ciudad de Guadal...

Avaliação de narrativas orais de crianças: uma revisão de literatura

Av. psicol. latinoam; 40 (1), 2022
Existe pouco consenso sobre o que constitui um bom reconto de uma história e como avaliar essa importante habilidade linguística. Este estudo revisou artigos publi-cados entre 2010 e 2018 que avaliaram narrativas orais de histórias por crianças, a fim de mapear e sistematizar as medidas qualitativas ...

Content validity of the NECPAL CCOMS-ICO© in Spanish to identify palliative needs in children and adolescents with Cancer

Invest. educ. enferm; 40 (1), 2022
Objective. To perform content validation of the NECPAL CCOMS-ICO© instrument to identify palliative needs in Colombian children and adolescents from 8 to 17 years of age with cancer. Methods. Psychometric study, which used the Lawshe model, modified by Tristan, to perform content validity of the NECPAL...

Professional Care in Home for Children and Teenagers with Special Health Needs: An Integrative Review

Aquichan; 22 (1), 2022
Objective: Analyzing the results of scientific publications on professional home care for children and teenagers with special health needs. Materials and method: An integrative review with articles published between 2009 and 2020 conducted in the BDEnf, Lilacs, Medline/PubMed databases and in the SciELO ...