Results: 42

Vocal tract physiology and its MRI evaluation

Introduction. The rapid technological evolution in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has recently offered a great opportunity for the analysis of voice production.Objectives. This article is aimed to describe main physiological principles at the base of voice production (in particular of voc...

Impairment, disability, and handicap associated with hearing problems and voice disorders among Colombian teachers

Objectives: 1. define the occurrence of work-related hearing problems and voice disorders among teachers that have contacted the Colombian National Board of Disability Assessment (NBDA) for follow-up; 2. identify individual associated factors of hearing problems and voice disorders among teachers; 3. ass...

Singing Voice Therapy Revisited

Introduction. Singing is a type of sportive activity and, like sports medicine, profes-sional voice medicine is interested in the habilitation and rehabilitation of the vocal performer. The vocal needs of the professional vocal performer may not be similar to other professional or non-professional voi...

Can a natural singing voice be enhanced through digital processing? Implications of voice training and vocology in singers

Introduction. The traditional way of facilitating a good singing voice has been achieved through rigorous voice training. In the modern days, however, there are some aspects of the singing voice that can be enhanced through digital processing. Although in the past, the freq...

Auditory-vocal integration impairment: New challenges and opportunities for voice assessment and therapy

This reflection paper addresses the importance of the interaction between voice perception and voice production, emphasizing the processes of auditory-vocal in-tegration that are not yet widely reported in the context of voice clinicians. Given the above, this article seeks to 1) highlight the ...

Dictamen médico legal de un análisis de voz, ¿cómo hacerlo?

La acústica forense es una disciplina de la criminalística que ha alcanzado una ma-durez analítica que obliga a que el perito en análisis de voz se especialice en adquirir conocimientos en fonética, tecnologías de sonido, habla, voz, lenguaje, patologías del habla y la voz, así como pro...

Desafíos de la pedagogía vocal en la música comercial contemporánea

Desde sus inicios, la pedagogía vocal de la música comercial contemporánea (tér-mino utilizado para referirse a la música popular, no lírica), se ha visto enfrentada a una serie de desafíos, dado a que inicialmente su canto fue enseñado de acuerdo con la técnica lírica, a pesar de co...

Voice disorders in teachers and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)

Introduction. Contemporary occupational diseases are increasingly expressed by function disorders, which include voice disorders, forcing workers to request a leave of absence from work and leading to an incapacity to perform their work activities. Teachers have the higher prevalence of vocal disorders...

Efectividad de la terapia vocal versus tiroplastía en la voz de mujeres transgénero: una revisión integrativa

Introducción. Las mujeres transgénero encuentran frecuentemente problemas en ajus-tar su voz a la frecuencia femenina. Para favorecer el cambio vocal deseado por estos in-dividuos, se ofrecen dos técnicas: una quirúrgica (tiroplastía) y otra clínica (terapia vocal). Objetivo. Esta revisión inte...

Rehabilitación vocal fisiológica con ejercicios de tracto vocal semiocluido

Introducción. Los ejercicios de tracto vocal semiocluido (ETVSO) son herramien-tas utilizadas en la rehabilitación fisiológica de la voz. Los ETVSO son ejercicios vocales producidos por la semioclusión del tracto vocal, a través de una serie de posturas que buscan alargar y/o ocluir el...