Total: 12682

TIPS en pacientes cirróticos con trombosis venosa portal: una revisión de la literatura

Hepatología; 5 (1), 2024
En los últimos años, la trombosis de la vena porta entre los pacientes cirróticos se ha comportado como una entidad reconocida y cada vez más estudiada, no solo por su creciente incidencia, sino por la asociación con gravedad y mal pronóstico en cirrosis. Asimismo, se hacen objeto de estudio las te...

Manifestaciones dermatológicas de la cirrosis hepática: revisión de la literatura

Hepatología; 5 (1), 2024
La piel y sus anexos tienen amplia relación con todos los órganos y sistemas. Los cambios presentes en estos pueden ser el primer hallazgo en un paciente con enfermedad hepática, encontrándose hasta en el 20 % de los casos, por lo que las manifestaciones extrahepáticas adquieren importancia, y aunqu...

Efecto del confinamiento por COVID-19 en la prevalencia de la enfermedad hepática esteatósica asociada a disfunción metabólica

Hepatología; 5 (1), 2024
Introducción. La enfermedad hepática esteatósica asociada a disfunción metabólica (MASLD) es una condición clínica frecuente, relacionada con el sobrepeso, la dislipidemia y la diabetes. Como estos factores de riesgo están a su vez asociados al sedentarismo y la ganancia de peso, se esperaría un...

Heat waves in the Colombian Caribbean: A public health problem?

A popular belief states that if frog is submerged in a container and gradually heats it up, it will try to adapt until it dies; this is probably the situation faced by more and more human populations. As stated by thousands of scientists, academics, and researchers worldwide, the planet’s warming is di...

Environmental sustainability, the forgotten aspect that makes nursing invisible

Scientific publications in research journals have adeptly investigated into topics of considerable interest, rendering nursing care more intricate in the face of increasingly thorough investigations into numerous phenomena. This ongoing exploration contributes significantly to the body of knowledge disse...

Perceptions and feelings of pregnant women undergoing outpatient follow-up for toxoplasmosis

Introduction: Toxoplasmosis persists as a neglected disease and poses a challenge to public health, especially due to the risk of vertical transmission, which can lead to countless biological complications for the newborn and to psychological and emotional repercussions for the mother. Objective: To unde...

Work-related stress and quality of life in nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic

Introduction: Work-related stress is the physical and emotional manifestation triggered by an imbalance in coping with perceived demands. One of the workers most affected by work-related stress is the nursing staff, a situation that was exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic and could affect their qual...

Primary health care: Nurses’ meanings in a Colombian municipality

Introduction: Primary health care is a strategy that involves the different health professionals and other agents in the system who can influence the social determinants that affect human wellbeing. Objective: To know the meanings about primary health care of nursing professionals practicing in this fiel...

Early characterization of an adult population at an insurer’s point of entry as an opportunity to identify hospitalization risk

Introduction: Health Benefit Plan Administrators must manage the health risk of their members. Therefore, health characterization is performed from enrollment to support decision-making and timely intervention. Objective: To analyze the historical results of characterizing the adult population on admissi...