Results: 44

Percepção das puérperas sobre seu período pós-parto

Investig. enferm; 20 (2), 2018
Objetivo: Identificar as percepções das puérperas sobre seu período pós-parto. Método: Estudo exploratório e descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa realizado com 10 mulheres adstritas na Estratégia Saúde da Família de Lagoa dos Cavalos, Macaíba/RN, Brasil, com idade igual ou superior a 18 anos, ...

Uso del crack durante el embarazo: repercusiones para el recién nacido
Use of crack in pregnancy: repercussions for the newborn

Invest. educ. enferm; 35 (3), 2017
Objective. To know the effects for the newborn of the use of crack in pregnancy. Methods. This is a qualitative study conducted in a university hospital in southern Brazil, in the first half of 2014. Fifteen mothers crack users and five grandparents participated. The data were produced through semi-struc...

Desafíos de la maternidad en la voz de las primíparas: dificultades iniciales
Challenges of motherhood in the voice of primiparous mothers: initial difficulties

Invest. educ. enferm; 35 (3), 2017
Objective. To identify the main difficulties first-time mothers experience in the postpartum period, during the first six months of the baby’s life. Methods. Level I qualitative, exploratory-descriptive study. The sample consisted of 11 first-time mothers of full-term healthy newborns. The data were co...

Vínculo de las puérperas con sus hijos y experiencias del parto
Puerperae bonding with their children and labor experiences

Invest. educ. enferm; 35 (3), 2017
Objective. To analyze the degree of bonding of puerperae with their babies, both in isolation and associated with experiences during and after labor. Methods. A cross-sectional study carried out among 200 puerperae in São José do Rio Preto, Brazil. To evaluate the mother-child bond, we used the Mother-...

A 38-year-old woman with a legal and voluntary interruption of pregnancy due to mental health risk. An unexpected outcome

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr; 46 (2), 2017
Abstract Objective: To describe a case of legal and voluntary interruption of pregnancy due to a mental health risk in the mother. However, the foetus survived and the mother decided to care for the child. Methods: Description of the case and a non-systematic review of the relevant literature. Resul...

Factores clínicos asociados a la hipertensión arterial severa posparto: un estudio de casos y controles en la Clínica San Luis, Bucaramanga, Colombia

Rev. colomb. enferm; 13 (1), 2016
Este estudio observacional analítico de casos y controles de base hospitalaria, con información obtenida de historias clínicas, busca determinar los factores clínicos asociados a la hipertensión arterial severa posparto y la magnitud de dicha asociación en la población obstétrica...

Prevalencia de tamiz positivo para Depresión Postparto en un Hospital de tercer nivel y posibles factores asociados

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr; 45 (4), 2016
La Depresión Posparto (DPP) es un importante trastorno de salud, con una prevalencia tres veces más alta en los países en desarrollo, se considera de etiología multifactorial, afecta tanto el bienestar materno como la salud, el comportamiento y el desarrollo del niño, se han reconocido la influencia...

Childbirth and Postpartum Period Fear in Pregnant Women and the Affecting Factors

Aquichan; 16 (1), 2016
Objective: The aim of this study was to identify the anxiety pregnant women feel about childbirth and the postpartum period and to determine the affecting factors. Methods: A descriptive design was used in the study, which was conducted with pregnant women at two obstetric polyclinics of a university hos...

Assessment of an educational intervention based on constructivism in nursing students from a Mexican public university

Invest. educ. enferm; 33 (3), 2015
Objective.This work sought to evaluate the effect of an educational intervention centered on the analysis of clinical cases to inquire on conceptual learning in students on the theme of nursing care of women with complicated puerperium. Methodology. This was a quasi-experimental study with before and aft...

Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas clave en gestantes con hijos menores de 5 años de la ciudad de Cúcuta, 2012
Knowledge, attitudes and key practices in pregnant women with children under 5 years of Cúcuta, 2012

Av. enferm; 33 (1), 2015
Objetivo: Identificar los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas frente al cuidado en la gestación y postparto en gestantes con hijos menores de 5 años, en Cúcuta, durante el año 2012. Metodología: Estudio cuantitativo descriptivo de corte transversal. La encuesta utilizada fue adoptada del cuestiona...