Results: 78

Concept Analysis of Interpersonal Skills in Nursing

Aquichan; 22 (1), 2022
Objective: To determine a broad definition of the term interpersonal skills in nursing. Materials and methods: This theoretical study follows Walker and Avant’s method of concept analysis to examine the defining attributes of the concept. A literature search on interpersonal aspects of nursing was cond...

Cuidado transpersonal mediado por Reiki: vivencias de familiares de niños con enfermedad falciforme
Transpersonal care through Reiki: Experiences of family members of children with sickle cell disease

Av Enferm; 40 (1), 2022
Objetivo: To understand the experiences of family members of children with sickle cell disease during transpersonal nursing care meetings mediated by Reiki. Materials and methods: Convergent care research, underpinned by Watson's Theory on Human Care, developed in a health facility for people with sickl...

Cuidar personas con dolor e insuficiencia cardíaca desde la teoría de adaptación a condiciones crónicas de salud

Investig. enferm; 24 (), 2022
Introducción: cerca de 85 % de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca reportan dolor, esto genera preocupación debido a que, según tipología del dolor, esta experiencia puede afectar la calidad de vida de los pacientes y sus cuidadores. Objetivo: diseñar una estrategia de cuidados de enfermería b...

Intervención de enfermería para reducir incidencia y duración del delirium en personas en cuidados intensivos 
Nursing Intervention to Reduce Incidence and Duration of Delirium in Patients in Intensive Care

Objetivo: determinar la efectividad de la intervención de enfermería basada en el Modelo de Síntomas Dinámicos (MSD) y en evidencia científica, frente al cuidado cotidiano, para la reducción de la incidencia y duración del delirium en personas en cuidados intensivos. Método: se emplearon dos fas...

Nursing Theory Makes a Practice Turn in the 21st Century

Aquichan; 21 (4), 2021
The author assumes that practice became prominent in nursing theory in the first two decades of the 21st century. The end of the last century saw a burgeoning of literature on what is known as grand theories, their implementation, and evaluation. The era of healthcare quality research began when the Inst...

Empirical Indicators: Conceptual and Theoretical Origins

Aquichan; 21 (4), 2021
This paper discusses the connections between nursing conceptual model concepts, middle-range theory, and situation-specific theory concepts, as well as between the theory concepts and how they are measured, that is, empirical indicators. Three types of empirical indicators are described—instruments, as...

Developing Mid-Range Theories for the Maturation of Nursing Care in Colombia

Aquichan; 21 (4), 2021
Nursing theory has evolved since the 1960s, from conceptual models to concept analysis to mid-range theories. Mid-range theories are developed primarily for qualitative research, to target patient problems, to respond to patient needs, to identify interventions and the changing patterns of patient care. ...

Nursing Situation “The Art of Caring during the Process of Grief”

This article analyzes a nursing situation derived from an experience by a nursing professional. It identified elements of nursing knowledge, like the vision of the nursing world. Based on the nursing situation, the following knowledge patterns were analyzed: personal, empirical, ethical, aesthetic, socio...

La comodidad para el paciente crónico desde el sentir y el hacer

Rev. cienc. cuidad; 18 (2), 2021
Objetivo: Describir el significado de comodidad para los pacientes con enfermedad crónica que se encuentran hospitalizados en una institución de tercer nivel de complejidad de la ciudad de Medellín. Materiales y métodos: Estudio cualitativo con enfoque etnográfico. Se realizaron quince entrevistas y...