Scientific publications in research journals have adeptly investigated into topics of considerable interest, rendering nursing care more intricate in the face of increasingly thorough investigations into numerous phenomena. This ongoing exploration contributes significantly to the body of knowledge disse...
Introduction: Work-related stress is the physical and emotional manifestation triggered by an imbalance in coping with perceived demands. One of the workers most affected by work-related stress is the nursing staff, a situation that was exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic and could affect their qual...
Objetivo: Descubrir cuáles son las construcciones sociales en la salud sexual de las mujeres adolescentes de una comunidad rural. Material y Métodos: Estudio cualitativo fenomenológico hermenéutico, donde participaron mujeres adolescentes de 14 a 19 años, pertenecientes a ...
Objetivo: desarrollar una aplicación digital para realizar el informe de turno de la supervisión con los indicadores de interés del Departamento de Enfermería en un hospital de alta complejidad de la seguridad social en Costa Rica. Metodología: investigación descriptiva estructurada en etapas para ...
To analyze deeply the concept of the transpersonal caring relationship as the core of the theory of Caring Science proposed by Jean Watson. To present a historical evolution and to introduce the Transpersonal Caritas Relationship construct. Methods. Methodological Stud...
Almost 14 years ago, Dean Beatriz Elena Ospina Rave entrusted me with the direction of the IEE Journal, given the leave of absence taken by the then director, María del Pilar Pastor, who had been named Secretary of Health of the Municipality of Medellín. Meeting this responsibility represe...
Previamente se ha discutido sobre el metaparadigma de enfermería y los conceptos que lo componen, este debate se ha centrado en los conceptos y no en las estrategias para su uso. En este editorial se propone ampliar el debate con relación al uso del metaparadigma para el profesional de enfermería y pa...
Introdução: a tecnologia assistencial visa melhorar a qualidade da assistência de enfermagem aos pacientes admitidos em unidades de terapia intensivas oncológicas. Objetivo: desenvolver uma ficha de admissão de enfermagem para pacientes de unidade de terapia intensiva oncológica. Materiais e métod...
Introduction: The incidence of Burnout Syndrome (BS) among nurses is higher. For this group, nursing residents undergo periodic assessments regarding compliance with the care workload in closed sectors, such as Intensive Care and Emergency Care, that put them at higher risk for the syndrome. Objective: I...
Introdução: Os materiais educativos, como as cartilhas, são instrumentos que ajudam no cuidar e elucidam intervenções relevantes e sensíveis ao contexto de saúde, especialmente no cuidado domiciliar a crianças desordem no neurodesenvolvimento. Objetivo: construir e validar cartilha para orientar ...