Results: 376

Care Perceptions in two ICU Nursing Care Delivery Models: A qualitative-comparative approach

Invest. educ. enferm; 40 (3), 2022
Objective. Analyzed in compared perspective perceptions about nursing care, nurse-patient interaction, and nursing care outcomes in two ICU nursing staff in a high-complexity hospital institution, whose Nursing are Delivery Models (NCDM) are differentiated by the proportion of nurses and nurse ass...

“Comprehensive Care” Concept in Nursing: Systematic Review

Invest. educ. enferm; 40 (3), 2022
Introduction. Integrated health care is a concept widely used in the planning and organisation of nursing care. It is a highly topical concept, but at the same time it is deeply rooted in the theory and models of Nursing right from its inception as a science. There is no clear, agreed definition ...

Experience of Caring as Source of Abductive Reasoning in Nursing: a Pragmatic Vision

Invest. educ. enferm; 40 (3), 2022
The aim of this reflection article consists in proposing a methodology that makes visible the epistemic practice through abductive reasoning for the generation of knowledge from an experience of caring. For such, the work describes the connections between the ...

A autonomia da enfermagem obstétrica na assistência no Centro de Parto Normal

Av. enferm; 40 (3), 2022
Objetivo: analisar os significados da autonomia da enfermagem obstétrica na assistência no Centro de Parto Normal. Materiais e método: estudo de caso, realizado entre setembro e novembro de 2020 com 11 entrevistas semiestruturadas com enfermeiras obstétricas de um Centro de Parto Normal, Pará, Brasi...

Métodos empleados para cuantificar la carga de trabajo en Enfermería en las unidades de cuidados intensivos: Una revisión de la literatura

Introducción: La carga de trabajo de Enfermería en unidades de cuidado intensivo está relacionada con la eficiencia y calidad de la atención, sin embargo, no existen métodos para cuantificar las enfermeras necesarias por turno en UCI. Objetivo: Identificar las herramientas más utilizadas para medir...

Incidencia de flebitis en pacientes pediátricos con catéter periférico en una institución de Manizales

Univ. salud; 24 (2), 2022
Introducción: El cuidado de enfermería en áreas clínicas requiere conocimiento, habilidad y experiencia. El tratamiento de una persona hospitalizada usualmente necesita un acceso venoso, en este procedimiento pueden presentarse complicaciones, siendo la flebitis e infiltración las principalmente re...

Eye Care Interventions in Critical/Surgical Patients in the Prone Position: Scoping Review

Aquichan; 22 (3), 2022
Objectives: This study aimed to map evidence of eye care interventions in managing critical or surgical patients submitted to prone positions. Materials and method: This scoping review was prepared according to the Joanna Briggs Institute’s methodology, following the PRISMA-ScR criteria. A search was c...

Preparation of a Scale for Assessing Nursing Care Needs in Dependent People

Aquichan; 22 (3), 2022
Objective: To prepare and validate a scale for assessing care needs in dependent people, based on all fourteen needs included in Virginia Henderson’s theory and Maslow’s Theory of Human Needs. Materials and methods: An observational study was conducted to validate a scale with a sample of 776 care-de...

Nursing students experience during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative research

Invest. educ. enferm; 40 (2), 2022
Objective. To describe the professional practice experiences of fifth year nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods. Qualitative research design with content analysis. Participant sampling was purposive. 13 fifth-year nursing students participated. All of them completed their professional c...

Nursing Care during the Perioperative within the Surgical Context

Invest. educ. enferm; 40 (2), 2022
Abstract The study describes basic nursing care during the perioperative. Introduces the origins of perioperative nursing, general care that must be practiced with patient in this context. During the preoperative, care related with risk assessment and preparation of patient from the emotional and physic...