Results: 799

ANCA-associated rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis in a patient with IgA nephropathy, case report

Abstract IgA nephropathy is the most common glomerulonephritis, in which less than 10% of patients have a rapid decline of renal function. The histological findings of this group resemble those of vasculitis, with presence of crescents and fibrinoid necrosis. The coexistence of IgA nephropathy and neutro...

PTLD in a kidney receptor: case report

Abstract Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders (PTLDs) occur in 3 to 10% of adults with solid organ transplant (SOT). It has been associated with Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) infection. Differential diagnostics of PTLD from rejection or viral infection is difficult when the tumor infiltrates the graft...

Horseshoe Kidney

Abstract We present the clinical case of a 39 year old male that presented with a violent death in the city of Medellin. During the necropsy, a horseshoe Kidney was found, which was never diagnosed according to the patients' medical history. It is a case relevant in the medical field given the unusual va...

Hyponatremia by oxcarbacepin in multiple sclerosis, a case to take account

Abstract Hyponatremia is one of the adverse effects in patients treated with oxcarbazepine. This can be seen masked by multiple symptoms which are simply attributable to other diseases, but we must always keep it in mind in a patient with a history of taking that medication. Many of patients are asymptom...

Estudio de variantes de los genes BDNF, COMT, DAT1 y SERT en niños colombianos con déficit de atención

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr; 46 (4), 2017
Resumen Introducción: El trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) es una perturbación con elevada prevalencia en población infantil de Bogotá. Entre las causas de este trastorno se encuentran factores genéticos y ambientales, pero pocos estudios han tratado de abordar el compone...

Investigación clínica en seres humanos en Colombia. ¿Estamos en crisis?

Acta méd. colomb; 42 (4), 2017
A raíz de la publicación en este número de los trabajos ganadores presentados en los congresos colombiano ACMI-ACP y Latinoamericano SOLAMI, que se desarrollaron en la ciudad de Cartagena en el mes de agosto, he decidido hacer algunas reflexiones sobre la investigación clínica en seres humanos en nu...

Anciano con diabetes y factores asociados. Estudio SABE, Bogotá, Colombia

Acta méd. colomb; 42 (4), 2017
Resumen Objetivo: conocer el autorreporte de diabetes en la población de adultos mayores de la ciudad de Bogotá y su asociación con variables sociodemográficas, del estado de salud y medidas antropométricas. Diseño: estudio observacional y poblacional de corte transversal analítico. Marco de re...

Quality of life in incident patients vs. prevalent patients. Is there any difference in quality of life?

Abstract Quality of life is impaired in patients with hemodialysis finding a lower quality of life in incidents patients, those who initiate or carry less than three months in renal replacement therapy, identifying common factors of elevated PTH, low rate body mass, anemia and use of catheter. Background...