Results: 121

Presence of the Reflective and Critical Thinking Capacity in Nursing Curricula in Iberian America

Invest. educ. enferm; 38 (3), 2020
Objective. The objective was to identify the presence of the capacity for reflexive-critical thinking or similar, in Nursing Curricula in Iberian America. Methodology. The article gathers the results of one of the objectives of the macro-project developed by the Iberian American Network on Nursing Educat...

Estrés académico en estudiantes de un programa de Enfermería - Montería 2019
Academic Stress in Undergraduate Nursing Students in Montería, Colombia (2019)

Introducción: Los estudiantes de programas de la salud, como enfermería, pueden experimentar cambios psicológicos, sociales, físicos, emocionales, entre otros; por la alta carga que genera el desarrollo de las labores académicas, y más aún, cuando son combinadas con actividades de tipo asistencial...

Inteligencia emocional de los estudiantes de pregrado de las licenciaturas de enfermería
Emotional Intelligence of Undergraduate Nursing Students

Introducción: La inteligencia emocional (IE) es una habilidad para percibir, asimilar y regular las propias emociones, saber actuar en el momento en que se presenta un problema que afecta la relación de los estudiantes, pasantes o enfermeras con los pacientes. Objetivo; Identificar niveles de IE de los...

Formation in Interprofessional Education in Nursing and Medical Students Globally. Scoping review

Invest. educ. enferm; 38 (2), 2020
Objective. This work sought to know the state of the art related to the theme of Interprofessional Education (IPE) in the training of Nursing and Medical students and the level of evidence developed thus far. Methods. This was an exploratory systematic review, declared as scoping review by the Joanna Bri...

Social media use and health promoting lifestyle: an exploration among Indian nursing students

Invest. educ. enferm; 38 (2), 2020
Objective. To evaluate the use of social media and the health promoting lifestyle profile of indian nursing students. Methods. A cross-sectional study was carried out with 125 students (89 undergraduate and 36 graduate) from various Nursing universities in India, who provided information on their sociode...

Prevenção ao suicídio: vivências de estudantes universitários

Introdução: A abordagem ao suicídio é por vezes negligenciada, pelo tabu que ainda existe na sociedade, pelo medo ou pela falta de conhecimento de educadores e profissionais da saúde. Dessa forma, é tido como um sério problema de saúde pública, em especial, entre os jovens e universitários, nã...

Simulação no ensino de emergência para estudantes de enfermagem

Introdução: O treinamento dos estudantes de enfermagem sobre as manobras de Reanimação Cardiopulmonar (RCP) é fundamental para uma atuação com qualidade e segurança em diferentes cenários de atuação do enfermeiro. A inserção em cenários de prática clínica, desde os primeiros anos do curso...

Social representations of nurses. Differences between incoming and outgoing Nursing students

Invest. educ. enferm; 38 (1), 2020
Objective. This article explored and compared social representations of nurses held by incoming and outgoing Nursing students in the Technical Nursing Program in San Juan, Argentina. Methods. Our research was descriptive and utilized the prototypicality method of analysis for social representations, from...

Burnout among nursing students: a mixed method study

Invest. educ. enferm; 38 (1), 2020
Objective. Investigate the burnout syndrome among undergraduate students in nursing. Methods. Explanatory sequential mixed method study conducted at a public university in Brazil. Of the 119 nursing students, 114 consented to participate and answered a questionnaire composed of sociodemographic, academic...

Nursing Student Experiences of Caring for Burned Patient: From Fearfulness to Normalization

Invest. educ. enferm; 38 (1), 2020
Objective. To describe the care experiences of students in burn units. Methods. Qualitative research of the phenomenological descriptive type which was conducted with the participation of eight senior nursing students in Shiraz College of Nursing and Midwifery, Iran. The method used for gathering data ab...