Results: 593

Cotidiano e desafios da enfermagem em unidades hospitalares COVID-19: perspectiva dos profissionais
Daily life and challenges of nursing in COVID-19 hospital units: professionals' perspective

Introdução: O trabalho de enfermagem em unidades hospitalares COVID-19 é complexo, desafiador e repleto de elementos cuja compreensão é importante para o campo da Gestão e Saúde no Trabalho. Objetivo: Compreender o cotidiano e os desafios de trabalhadores de enfermagem na linha de frente do enfre...

Quality Care in Outpatient Chemotherapy. Design and Validation of the Novel Care Quality Ambulatory Instrument

Aquichan; 23 (2), 2023
Introduction: Neither validated scales nor scales translated into Spanish currently exist to evaluate the perception of quality care in people receiving outpatient chemotherapy, despite their usefulness in evaluating the care provided by nurses and in promoting changes in the delivery of these services. ...

Self-Care Requisites for People with Intestinal Ostomies: A Scoping Review

Aquichan; 23 (2), 2023
Self-care is one of the main factors altered in the life of a person with an ostomy. Self-care requisites with nursing support are necessary. Objectives: To map the self-care requisites for people with intestinal ostomies in their adaptive process, guided by Orem’s theory. Materials and methodology: A ...

ICU Nursing Team Mental Health in The Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Integrative Review

Aquichan; 23 (2), 2023
Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, health professionals were at an increased risk of developing psychological conditions, especially in Intensive Care Units. A gap is verified in the knowledge about ICU Nursing teams’ mental health in the care provided to patients affected by COVID-19. Objecti...

Post-COVID-19 metabolic syndrome: a new challenge for nursing care

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (1), 2023
In crisis scenarios, the professions that have the essence of caring for are highlighted. In this sense, during the COVID-19 pandemic, nursing played a key role in the identification, testing, care and rehabilitation of patients.(1) It was through this profession that many clients were fully assisted in ...

Usefulness of Acceptability and Feasibility Assessment in Studies of Nursing Interventions

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (1), 2023
Nursing interventions constitute an essential component in the discipline and play a central role in the distinction of the nursing practice with regards to other health professionals. In light of the theory, authors like Burns and Grove,(1) define nursing interventions as deliberate cognitive, physical ...

Men’s health care: concept analysis

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (1), 2023
Objective. To analyze the concept of men’s health care and identify its essential, antecedent and consequent attributes in the health context. Methods. This is a concept analysis structured in the theoretical-methodological framework of the Walker and Avant Model. An integrative review wa...

Levels of Anxiety and Stress Experienced by Nurses in Inpatient Units

Aquichan; 23 (1), 2023
Objective: To assess state-trait anxiety levels and their correlation with occupational stress and socio-biographical and occupational factors in nursing professionals. Materials and Methods: This quantitative, cross-sectional, analytical study was conducted in the inpatient units of a university hospita...

The Importance of Graduate Education for Nursing Care

Aquichan; 23 (1), 2023
Graduate nursing education faces various challenges linked to research products that must be innovative and have an impact on social well-being. Knowledge transfer is a complex multidimensional process requiring multiple mechanisms, methods, and measurements to be considered in graduate training. Educati...