Introducción. Blastocystis sp es un protozoo parásito que se encuentra en el tracto intestinal del hombre y algunos animales, se estima que infecta a más de 1.000 millones de personas en el mundo. El presente trabajo tuvo como Objetivo determinar los genotipos de Blastocystis sp asociados a diferentes...
Objective. The study objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of Resiliency and Recovery Program on Compassion Fatigue level of Nursing Officer from selected hospitals of Pune City (India). Methods. The study used a quasi-experimental approach involving single group pre-te...
To measure, at the national scope, the satisfaction of Chilean nurses working in hospitals, and establish personal and institutional determinants associated with satisfaction. Methods. Cross-sectional multicenter study, carried out in 40 public and private high-complexity hospit...
Objective. To identify the nursing guidelines for caregivers of children with congenital heart disease (CHD) after hospital discharge. Methods. This is an integrative literature review of articles published between 2016 and 2022. In order to select the studies, the c...
Objective. Understand the social processes experienced by nursing professionals and the meanings underlying autonomy in adult Intensive Care Units in the city of Cartagena (Colombia). Methods. A qualitative study with a grounded theory approach was conducted. Fifteen semi-st...
Objective. This work sought to know the view of Nursing professors and students about the competencies the faculty staff must have to deploy their educational function with maximum quality and efficiency. Methods. Descriptive qualitative study through focus groups conducted with professors, ...
To analyze deeply the concept of the transpersonal caring relationship as the core of the theory of Caring Science proposed by Jean Watson. To present a historical evolution and to introduce the Transpersonal Caritas Relationship construct. Methods. Methodological Stud...
Almost 14 years ago, Dean Beatriz Elena Ospina Rave entrusted me with the direction of the IEE Journal, given the leave of absence taken by the then director, María del Pilar Pastor, who had been named Secretary of Health of the Municipality of Medellín. Meeting this responsibility represe...
Objective. The aim of this review was to identify reported nursing-sensitive outcomes in the Emergency Department to date. Methods. An Umbrella review was conducted. Four databases, CINAHL, Pubmed, Web of Science and Scopus, were searched from inception until October 2022. MeSH te...
Objective. The present study examined the effect of an interventional program underpinned by the Health Belief Model (HBM) on nurses’ awareness, attitude, and performance in preventing nosocomialinfections.Methods. This randomized controlled trial study was performed on...