Results: 249

(Re)Visitando a reforma psiquiátrica brasileira: perspectivas num cenário de retrocessos
(Re)Visiting Brazilian psychiatric reform: Prospects in a setback scenario

Av. enferm; 38 (3), 2020
Objetivo: o presente trabalho teve por objetivo realizar uma reflexão teórica a respeito da trajetória histórica do cuidado ofertado ao portador de sofrimento mental no Brasil à luz da Política Nacional de Saúde Mental. Síntese de conteúdo: trata-se de uma reflexão teórica com base na anális...

Relationship between Wound Severity, Discomfort, and Psychological Problems in Patients with a Diabetic Foot Ulcer in Indonesia: A Cross-sectional Study

Aquichan; 20 (3), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between wound severity, discomfort, and psychological problems in patients with a diabetic foot ulcer in Indonesia. Methods: A cross-sectional study is conducted in three general hospitals and one clinic in Indonesia. The B...

Un modelo explicativo de la conducta suicida de los pueblos indígenas del departamento del Vaupés, Colombia,

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr; 49 (3), 2020
RESUMEN Introducción: La conducta suicida es un problema de salud pública en todo el mundo. Los pueblos indígenas son una de las poblaciones más vulnerables. Objetivo: Establecer un modelo explicativo de la conducta suicida de los pueblos indígenas del departamento del Vaupés. Métodos: Estud...

Neuropsychiatrie symptoms as the only acute manifestation of a stroke in the left hemisphere. Case report

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr; 49 (3), 2020
ABSTRACT We report the case of a 60-year-old female patient with a history of hypertension and dyslipidemia, who suddenly presented with a clinical picture of emotional lability, disorientation, complex visual hallucinations and persecutory delusions. There were no associated neurological findings in her...

Violencia sexual en niños y adolescentes varones en el mundo: una revisión integrativa

Rev. colomb. enferm; 19 (2), 2020
Objetivo: recopilar, resumir y analizar la producción científica actual sobre la violencia sexual infantil (VSI) en niños y adolescentes varones en el mundo entre el 2014 y el 2019. Método: se realizó una revisión integrativa de literatura mediante una búsqueda sistemática de estudios publicados ...

Saúde mental em tempos de pandemia: qual o impacto do Covid-19?
Mental health in pandemic times: what is the impact of Covid-19?

O presente artigo trata-se de uma construção crítica e reflexiva em torno do atual cenário da pandemia do coronavírus e a influência que esta situação provoca na saúde mental. Além disso, discute sobre a importância dos sistemas universais de saúde e do foco nas ações de promoção da saúd...

Adaptation and Factor Structure of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale on Chilean Children and Adolescents

Rev. latinoam. psicol; 52 (), 2020
Abstract The high prevalence of mental disorders related to anxiety and depressive mood during childhood and adolescence requires a constant screening of the levels of such variables. For that purpose, instruments that are valid, reliable and easy to administrate are needed. The Hospital Anxiety and Depr...

Intolerance of uncertainty and mental health in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic

Suma psicol; 27 (1), 2020
Abstract The first Brazilian diagnosed with COVID-19 was identified on February 25th, resulting in a series of governmental actions to prepare the population for the effects of the pandemic. Nevertheless, geographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the country, and the strategies adopted may have con...

A raiz de la polemica originada por la difusión de un programa televisivo de opinion donde se denuncias maltratos a pacientes hospitalizados en instituciones nacionales de salud mental, la ACP emitió el siguiente comunicado que ponemos hoy como editorial de nuestra revista. [Editorial]
As a result of the controversy caused by the broadcast of a television opinion program where mistreatment of hospitalized patients in national mental health institutions is denounced, the ACP issued the following statement that we publish today as an editorial for our magazine. [Editorial]

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr; 49 (2), 2020
A raiz de la polemica originada por la difusión de un programa televisivo de opinion donde se denuncias maltratos a pacientes hospitalizados en instituciones nacionales de salud mental, la ACP emitió el siguiente comunicado que ponemos hoy como editorial de nuestra revista....