Objetivos: Reportar un caso de linfoma no Hodgkin de células B primario de mama (LPM) y realizar una revisión de la literatura de su diagnóstico y tratamiento. Materiales y métodos: Se reporta el caso de una paciente de 80 años que acudió a una institución privada de referencia en México por un L...
Objetivos: Reportar el caso de una gestante con diagnóstico de feto con teratoma nasofaríngeo inmaduro y realizar una revisión describiendo el pronóstico de esta patología. Materiales y métodos: Se reporta el caso de una gestante de 27 años, atendida en la Unidad de Ginecología y Obstétrica de u...
Objective. To explore the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on nursing student education in one public university in Medellin, Colombia. Methods. This descriptive qualitative study used content analysis to address the following questions: (1) How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted ...
Objective. To determine the effect of fear and coping with death on compassion fatigue in nurses working in the intensive care unit. Methods. Correlational-predictive design, applied in 245 nurses working in the intensive care unit through intentional sampling. The study applie...
Objective Develop and validate an ordinary meeting simulation template of the Municipal Health Council applied to students of cycle II of Elementary School. Methods. Qualitative and descriptive research developed in two phases: construction of simulation scenario of ordinary meetin...