In crisis scenarios, the professions that have the essence of caring for are highlighted. In this sense, during the COVID-19 pandemic, nursing played a key role in the identification, testing, care and rehabilitation of patients.(1) It was through this profession that many clients were fully assisted in ...
Nursing interventions constitute an essential component in the discipline and play a central role in the distinction of the nursing practice with regards to other health professionals. In light of the theory, authors like Burns and Grove,(1) define nursing interventions as deliberate cognitive, physical ...
Objective. To describe the care provided to the transgender population by nursing in Primary Health Care (PHC). Methods. Integrative literature review performed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), Medline/PubMed and Web of Science (WoS) databases without a pre-established ti...
Objective. This work sought to validate the Spanish version of the scale Healthy Aging Brain-Care Monitor (HABC-M) scale as clinical tool to detect the Post-intensive Care Syndrome. Methods. Psychometric study, conducted in adult intensive care units from two high-co...
Objective. This work sought to establish the relationship between the degree of dependency with hospitalization time of patients intervened surgically in a regional hospital of Peru. Methods. The study was analytical, cross-sectional with retrospective data collection, studying ...
Objective. The work sough to know the adaptation strategies of students from Universidad del Quindío with motor functional diversity. Method. Descriptive qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. Data were collected through an in-depth interview with ni...
Objective. To analyze the concept of men’s health care and identify its essential, antecedent and consequent attributes in the health context. Methods. This is a concept analysis structured in the theoretical-methodological framework of the Walker and Avant Model. An integrative review wa...
Objective. This study evaluates the effects of mobile-based education (MBE) on nurse self-concept (NSC) among nursing students. Methods. This embedded mixed methods study was conducted in 2020–2021 in a main quantitative phase and a supplementary qualitative phase. In the q...
Preparing parents to care for their preterm children is one of the principal challenges faced by nursing professionals within the neonatal care contexts. This process seeks for parents to acquire the skills to safely provide the differential care required by children at home given their...
The patient’s correct position is necessary to conduct a safe and effective surgical procedure. This position depends on the access route, duration of the procedure, kind of anesthesia, devices to use, among other factors. This procedure requires planning and effort by the surg...