Results: 100

Gender subordination in the vulnerability of women to domestic violence

Invest. educ. enferm; 34 (2), 2016
Objective.To create and validate an instrument that identifies women's vulnerability to domestic violence through gender subordination indicators in the family. Methods. An instrument consisting on 61 phrases was created, that indicates gender subordination in the family. After the assessment from ten ju...

Caregiver role strain: bi-national study of content validation

Invest. educ. enferm; 34 (2), 2016
Objective.To estimate content validity of the diagnosis Caregiver Role Strain. Methods. Content validation of the defining characteristics according to Fehring's model was undertaken by 6 Colombian nurses and 9 Brazilian counterparts. The relevance of each defining characteristic for the diagnosis was as...

Adaptation, validation and reliability of the Massachusetts General Hospital-Sexual Functioning Questionnaire in a Colombian sample and factorial equivalence with the Spanish version

Rev. latinoam. psicol; 48 (2), 2016
Sexual dysfunctions are a highly prevalent problem. It is necessary to have instruments adapted to the Colombian population in order to evaluate their sexual functioning because to date none of them have been validated. The aim of this study was to adapt and validate the Massachusetts General Hospital-Se...

Validation of an instrument to measure tutor performance in promoting self-directed learning by using confirmatory factor analysis

Invest. educ. enferm; 34 (1), 2016
Objective.This work sought to validate and propose an instrument to measure the performance of tutors in promoting self-directed learning in students involved in processes of problem-based learning. Methods. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was applied to validate the instrument composed of 60 items an...

Validación del instrumento: ¨vínculo entre padres e hijos neonatos¨ a partir del maternal attachment inventory

Es frecuente que dentro de las investigaciones en torno al neonato y sus padres se mencione la importancia del vínculo afectivo, de hecho diversos estudios dentro de sus recomendaciones sugieren ahondar con respecto al, pero para hacerlo se requieren instrumentos de medición confiables y válidos. Su b...

Validación de la Escala Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity (RAPA) en población chilena adulta consultante en Atención Primaria

Aquichan; 15 (4), 2015
Introducción: la práctica de actividad física es esencial para el cuidado de la salud. Se requiere contar con instrumentos que permitan medirla y monitorear los cambios en las personas que la practican. Objetivos: adaptar culturalmente el cuestionario Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity (RAPA), y es...

Meaning in Life Questionnaire: Adaptation process and psychometric properties of the Brazilian version

Rev. latinoam. psicol; 47 (3), 2015
This study aimed to present the validation process and the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ). Participants were a nationwide sample of 3020 subjects aged 18-91 years old, from 22 different Brazilian states. Exploratory factor analysis supported a ...

Impaired Parenting (00056) in Primiparous Mothers: Clinical Validation through Rasch Analysis

Aquichan; 15 (2), 2015
Introduction: A valid instrument is needed to establish a nursing diagnosis of impaired parenting and to conduct interventions. Objective: The purpose of this study is to validate the nursing diagnosis of impaired parenting using Rasch analysis with primiparous mothers up to24 years of age, during the fi...

Atypical nature of coronary artery disease in women: a proposal for measurement and classification

Av. enferm; 33 (1), 2015
Objective: To identify subgroups of women with Acute Coronary Syndrome according to symptom experience: perception, evaluation and response, based on the Symptom Management Conceptual Model. Methodology: Quantitative, descriptive, exploratory, cross-sectional study. The sample was made of 380 women posit...

Validación de las escalas de riesgo TIMI y GRACE para el síndrome coronario agudo en una cohorte contemporánea de pacientes

Acta méd. colomb; 39 (4), 2014
Introducción: la estratificación de riesgo es uno de los principales objetivos en el manejo integral de los síndromes coronarios agudos (SCA). En la actualidad las guías de práctica clínica recomiendan la estratificación por medio de los puntajes de riesgo TIMI y GRACE. Teniendo en cuenta la alta ...