Results: 161

Significado de ser padre siendo adolescente
Meaning of parenting as a teenager

Invest. educ. enferm; 35 (3), 2017
Objective. Describe the meaning of parenting as a teenager. Methods. Study of the qualitative approach with phenomenological approach in the fourth village of San Cristobal (Bogotá, Colombia). The information was obtained by means of semi-structed interviews, participant observation, photos, daily and f...

Conociendo el rol del tutor clínico en profundidad
In-depth Knowledge of the Role of the Clinical Mentor

Invest. educ. enferm; 35 (3), 2017
Objective. This work sought to unveil the meaning expressed by clinical nurses by being mentors for students from the nursing internship level. Methods. Phenomenological research. In-depth interviews were conducted with nine clinical nurses from a hospital in Santiago de Chile, who participate as mentors...

Representações sociais de profissionais da saúde sobre as pessoas vivendo com HIV/AIDS
Social representations of health professionals about people living with HIV/AIDS

Av. enferm; 35 (2), 2017
Resumo Objetivo: Compreender as representações sociais de profissionais da saúde sobre os grupos de pessoas vivendo com HIV/AIDS. Metodologia: Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, descritivo, exploratório e de teoria das representações sociais. Como cenário, selecionaram-se sete Serviços de Atençã...

Terapias de sustitución de la función renal: metaestudio y síntesis de evidencias cualitativas

Aquichan; 17 (3), 2017
RESUMEN El objetivo del presente estudio fue sintetizar en términos de evidencias cualitativas o evidencias Q hallazgos derivados de estudios cualitativos frente al tema de las terapias de sustitución de la función renal (TSFR). Método: metaestudio cualitativo desarrollado en cuatro momentos. Resu...

Significados de ‘tuberculosis’ en comunidades rurales indígenas de un municipio de la amazonia colombiana
Meanings of ‘Tuberculosis’ in Rural Indigenous Communities from a Municipality in the Colombian Amazon

Invest. educ. enferm; 35 (2), 2017
Objective. The purpose herein was to describe the meanings on tuberculosis (TB) in rural indigenous communities from a municipality in the Colombian Amazon. Methods. This was an ethnographic study with theoretical reference of dialectical hermeneutics, which created focus groups, one for each rural commu...

El significado de asumir la dependencia en casa de una persona con cirugía cardiovascular: la mirada del cuidador informal
The Meaning of Assuming Dependency at Home of a Person with Cardiovascular Surgery: the Vision of Informal Caregivers

Invest. educ. enferm; 35 (2), 2017
Objective. Herein, the study sought to understand the significance for informal caregivers of assuming the dependency at home of an individual subjected to cardiovascular surgery. Methods. This was a phenomenological interpretative study conducted with eight adult participants, home caregivers of individ...

Actitudes hacia la formación y pasantía comunitaria de estudiantes y profesores de Enfermería: un estudio cualitativo
Attitudes toward Community - based training and internship of Nursing students and professors: a qualitative study

Invest. educ. enferm; 35 (2), 2017
Objective. To explore the attitudes of nursing students and professors towards community-based training and internship in Fasa, Fars, Iran. Methods. This qualitative study was conducted using the content analysis approach. Data from students and professors were collected through five focal groups and dat...

Amamentação na primeira hora de vida: conhecimento e prática da equipe multiprofissional
Breastfeeding within the first hour after birth: knowledge and practice of multidisciplinary team

Av. enferm; 35 (1), 2017
Objetivo: Verificar o conhecimento e prática sobre a amamentação na primeira hora de vida entre membros da equipe multi-profissional de um hospital do município de Maringá, Paraná. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo-exploratório com abordagem qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados entre ...

Menopausia, el inicio del envejecimiento de las mujeres chilenas. Un estudio cualitativo
Menopause, the beginning of aging for Chilean women. A qualitative study

Invest. educ. enferm; 35 (1), 2017
Objective. To develop the meaning of menopause of a group of post-menopausal women and their relationship with aging. Methods. Qualitative descriptive study on 15 Chilean women that completed a taped face-to-face in depth interview that were interpreted according to Krippendorff. Results. A qualitative c...

Aproximación fenomenológica al significado e impacto de la donación de órganos en la familia

Aquichan; 17 (1), 2017
RESUMEN La donación de órganos es un acontecimiento crítico tras la pérdida de un ser querido. España, a pesar de ser el país del mundo con mayor tasa de donantes, todavía mantiene una negativa familiar del 15,56%. Objetivos: conocer y analizar el impacto de la donación de órganos a través de ...