Results: 3

Effectiveness Comparison of Polysaccharides, Proteins, and Lipids as Composite Edible Coatings on the Quality of Food Products

Vitae (Medellín); 29 (3), 2022
Background: This research was motivated by the complaints of tomato farmers about their crops that quickly rotted before being sold, as well as the many research results (raw materials and methods) that edible coating films could not be applied optimally. Objectives: The research was a practical recommen...

ELSA cohorte 2014: clases de consumo de alcohol, tabaco y marihuana en estudiantes universitarios argentinos

Av. psicol. latinoam; 39 (2), 2021
El consumo de sustancias es altamente prevalente en estudiantes universitarios de Argentina y el mundo. Diferenciar consumidores con diversos patrones de consumo de sustancias es importante para identificar aquellos más vulnerables a avanzar hacia un consumo patológico. Por ello, el objeti...

Concordance of estimated glomerular filtration rate according to the formulas used in Colombia for patients with chronic kidney disease not on dialysis

Acta méd. colomb; 45 (4), 2020
Abstract Introduction: the Colombian guidelines for chronic kidney disease (CKD) recommend estimating glomerular filtration (GF) using the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation. No studies have been performed in the Colombian population to compare the accuracy of this equa...